9 Pro Tips to Instantly Improve Your UI Design

Ketan Rajput
Mindful Designing
Published in
9 min readMar 21, 2023

Every design initiative’s main objective is to make it easier for clients to utilize the system to its full potential. User interfaces are among the different factors that should be taken into account, since they serve as the main digital touchpoints for customers.

The most important feature that separates great products from the crowd is their user interface. Customer satisfaction with usability increases a product’s appeal and forward-thinking companies must commit time and money to developing compelling user interfaces.

Agencies that specialize in user interface design have been motivated to enhance the reach of their business by the rapid growth of the digital environment. They gain from logical, data-driven strategy that is skillfully deployed to produce the desired impact. And the customer can be made aware of all these utilities simply through an intuitive and appealing UI. About 75% of consumers gauge a site’s/app’s credibility based on its visual appeal.

Read on as we outline our pro tips to help you improve your UI design instantly. So kick back, grab a coffee and get ready for the deep dive. This is our list of pro tips to help take your UI design from ‘Good’ to ‘Great’.

What is UI Design

Let’s establish a little context first. User interface design or UI design involves creating user interfaces for your digital products. It entails designing the software/app’s interface, feel, and interaction journey.

When creating an interface, one of the prime considerations to keep in mind is that UI designers must take the demands and preferences of the user into account. Some essential guidelines for prolific user interface design are listed below:

  • Balance: The interface’s many components, including text, images, and graphics, should be well-balanced.
  • Visual hierarchy: Visual hierarchy is crucial for assisting users in comprehending the layout of the user interface and the tasks they must carry out.
  • Consistency: The user interface should be consistent in its visual language across platforms and devices.
  • Contrast: In order for the interface’s components to stand out from one another and be clearly readable, there should be good contrast between them.
  • Legibility: The text should be clear and comprehensible even at first glance.
  • Simplicity: To avoid overwhelming consumers with too many options, the interface should be as straightforward as possible.
  • Usability: The user interface ought to be simple to operate and comprehend.

Advantages of Intuitive and Appealing UI Design

User experience is enhanced by good UI design, which makes the user interface simpler to use and comprehend. Some other advantages of well-built UIs are as follows:

  • User engagement is increased: A well-designed user interface can encourage repeat usage and boost user engagement.
  • Increased conversions: By making it simpler for users to accomplish activities, good UI design can contribute to an increase in conversions.
  • Increased productivity: By making it simpler for users to discover what they need, a well-designed user interface can contribute to an increase in productivity.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: By making the user experience more engaging, good UI design can increase customer contentment.

Pro Tips to Improve your UI Design Instantly

Now that we know what UI design is and how good UI design is crucial to building a good UX, we now present the core of this post. Here is our list of pro tips instantly improving your UI design:

1. Make the crucial components shine out

You must make a particular element conspicuous if you want to catch the customer’s eye. This holds true not only for CTA sections but also for headlines, pictures, and even seemingly unimportant elements like the menu bar.

For instance, drop shadows can be used to give headings a crisper appearance. With box shadows or borders, images or columns are more clearly defined. When two items (such a heading and a subtitle) are close to one another, you might wish to draw the user’s attention to the element that is, in your opinion, more significant; easily accomplished by raising its contrast value.

The value that colors may add to a thing is immeasurable. (Darker hues are believed to draw the eye of the spectator.) Each color denotes a different mood. Users automatically associate an element with a certain function when they notice it in a particular hue.

The message the product wants to portray is strengthened by selecting the appropriate color scheme for the background and the objects that populate the screen.

The colors must complement the content’s style and take into account the sensitivities of the target audience. While softer hues reflect more subdued emotions, brighter ones exude energy and passion.

2. Work on your typography

The usability and appeal of the product are greatly influenced by the typography. Studies show that the user experience is substantially influenced by the typefaces that are used. Each font family generates a different emotion. By the relative sizes, spacings, and locations in the visual space, text can offer strong subliminal visual cues.

Limiting the amount of fonts in a product makes sense. Consistency in appearance improves the design’s appearance and adds focus. One or two fonts should generally be used; any more can be overwhelming to users.

Modern user interface design firms frequently choose a single font and cleverly use weight and color variations to represent various aspects. If you require two fonts, be sure the typefaces you choose enhance or compliment one another because not all fonts go well together.

Font size, the use of bold or italic fonts, color, and the distance between letters, lines, and paragraphs all have an impact on readability. Keep accessibility requirements in mind and make sure persons with visual impairments can use the design.

3. Create the finest first impression with your users

Do you provide directional markers for customers? Are options for simple and quick setup, like configuration wizards, available?

Most software, apps and websites have a pop-up screen that gives users an overview of the features and maybe the most important UI controls.

When designing a product, keep in mind the various expectations. Some clients might want a little assistance, while others would not, and yet others might not care. You must make an effort to appease everyone.

4. Ensure that all images and icons are consistent

Not only does consistency enhance aesthetics, it also makes things more usable. Customers are more inclined to embrace designs that are consistent across all of their interfaces.

As a UI designer, you must adhere to a product-wide (or occasionally a company-wide) design guideline when picking, producing, or altering images. The color tone, level of detail, and size are some important factors. When stock pictures are utilized they shouldn’t look like they were chosen at random from the Internet.

Given that they represent abstractions of a notion, a message, or an action, icons are even more important. To lessen the cognitive strain on the user, all icons should be the same type and color; you cannot have a filled icon in one section and a line icon in another.

In a similar spirit, consistency is crucial when including buttons in the design. Ideally, every button should have the same shape. It must have a similar impact if they are animated. The colors must complement the chosen palette and the intended use.

5. Keep text readable and clear

Text must be readable and user-friendly wherever it appears. When location and styling are improved, readability increases.

Here are a few tips to keep your text readable:

  • For text to be visible when placed on photos, there must be enough contrast. Occasionally, a gradient overlay is beneficial. You might need to adjust the colors of the image, the copy, or both depending on your needs.
  • In almost every case, left alignment is preferable. Given that most languages are written right to left, our eyes anticipate sentences to begin on the left. For unique demands, such as headlines and succinct descriptions, centered text may be employed.
  • It is advisable to leave the letter spacing in body text at its default setting. To create a distinctive design, use a separate setting for headings.
  • Unless the copy provides the user with something useful, the work put on readability is useless. The writing must be clear, concise, and in an appropriate tone. The main copy, dialogue boxes, error warnings, and the help section are all affected by this.

6. Never give up on white space because it can save your life

To give the overall design breathing room, add enough spacing between elements. White space, which lends refinement and elegance in addition to improving usability, is a crucial element that makes the product doubly attractive.

The margin and padding settings of the item are adjusted to produce white space. Every element needs enough space surrounding it for greater visibility and interactivity, including the menu, body text, photos, headlines, buttons, panels, columns, and sections.

When there is white space between elements or between groups of elements, the hierarchy can easily be perceived and is more clearly established. For instance, to demonstrate their association within a block, the title and copy must remain close to one another.

To distinguish two blocks of the same type, you must place margins between them. The user can concentrate on a particular thing without being distracted thanks to such subtle modifications.

7. Strive for pixel-perfect alignment

We all have a natural preference for order, whether it is in digital or non-digital everyday objects.

Aligned UI components are simple for customers to relate to. Unorganized or improper arrangements make people feel disoriented and have a negative effect on their experience. The design’s effectiveness is greatly enhanced by the objects’ unity. It’s crucial to take into account both of these factors:

  • Visual unity: Visual unity refers to how well the UI elements work together to complement one another and, as a whole, improve the design.
  • Conceptual unity: Conceptual unity, in which the UI elements are placed in a particular logical order to emphasize a single subject or piece of content.

The science of item grouping is revealed through the Gestalt principles. They are of great value to experts who provide user interface design services. When aligning pieces, it’s crucial to take the user’s path into account as well. Do they enable a methodical investigation of the features?

8. Make links and buttons as clickable as possible

Because they are the main way to give the product interactivity, buttons and links are quite important. A basic requirement for design is to make them simple to find. The label on buttons is one of the simple yet important things that designers frequently overlook.

The function of the button must also be made crystal clear on the label. Not only is it unimaginative, but using “Click here” on every button irritates users. When they “Click there,” what happens? A useful way to convey the function of the button is to include an icon in the label.

Forcing users to aim precisely while they need to utilize a control is a bad concept. Increasing an object’s clickable area makes it simpler to access it. This may occasionally require turning the link into a block element with a lot of padding.

9. Always be willing to provide a helpful hand

User interface design companies must incorporate warmth and empathy into their methods in order to guarantee satisfying consumer experiences. To maximize user-friendliness, a number of strategies can be used. Here, we’ll go through a few:

  • Feedback: Users must be given reassurance that their interactions with UI elements are being recorded. A message that appears as the cursor passes over a button, a loading spinner, or a progress bar are some examples.
  • The lingo: The message must be clear, simple, and coherent when it needs to be displayed on the product. An action may be prompted, assistance may be provided, an error may be indicated, or the status may be confirmed.
  • Error handling: Preventing errors is the best course of action because the goal is to prevent a user error. Building a product that is error-free is an ideal, but unachievable, goal. It makes more sense to concentrate on handling errors as they happen. By assisting users in making adjustments, undoing their actions, or learning how to prevent problems in the future, designers must reduce the impact.

In Summation

UI design is an essential part of modern digital experiences. It’s the bridge between the user and the underlying software. Getting it right isn’t easy, and for that you need the right UI/UX partner. Here is where 300Mind steps in.

300Mind is a team of youthful professionals driven by a desire for perfection. We love developing cutting-edge design approaches and meeting the demanding requirements of international enterprises with our customer-focused methodology, agility, and upbeat attitude.

Our services cover the entire UI/UX spectrum, addressing the particular difficulties and demands faced by small businesses, mid-sized businesses, and large corporations. UI design is a crucial component of contemporary digital experiences, and with our support, you can develop an intuitive and engaging user interface.

