Intuition Lost—How we were tricked into self-sabotaging our potential

Jeanette Peterson
The Art of Mindful Disruption
7 min readSep 24, 2024


What would you say if I told you that it is possible to always have the right answers at your fingertips, to support your growth and that of others without planning a thing?

You’d likely say, I must be mad. Yet that is exactly what every person was born to be able to do.

I am talking about the intuition that we were all tricked into self-sabotaging. This may seem like a big claim but stick with me and things will become clearer.

Using the full power of your intuition is completely natural. It is simple, once you begin to peel back the layers that have concealed it from you, through a lifetime of social and cultural conditioning.

Before you say to yourself, social and cultural conditioning sounds harsh. Consider that from the moment we are born, we are conditioned by our surroundings and those people who are influential in our lives. This could include people like your parents, teachers, peers, other family members or coaches to name a few.

Whether your intuition was lost through social and cultural conditioning that occurred accidentally, like your parent's well-meaning, or intentionally through your education, TV, news, marketing and social media, no matter the intention, the results are the same.

Once you re-awaken your intuitive muscle so to speak, you can learn to feel and trust the difference between what is your intuition and what is intelligence.

Intelligence is likely one of the most highly overrated concepts in the modern world today. We have gone so far down the intelligence path that we are now, on mass, attempting to outsource our intelligence on a fast lane super-highway of apparent artificial intelligence, so we call it. Yet it would seem that overnight we went from calling a machine learning algorithm to artificial intelligence, and no one blinked an eye.

We live in a world where intelligence has been promoted as king for quite some time. Looking back over the last thirty years, something interesting in education happened. We went from finishing year twelve makes you smart, to a bachelor's degree makes you smart, to an honours degree makes you smart, to a PhD, Masters, MBA and a whole host of other postgraduate designer courses, in some endless void we chased in the pursuit of excellence. All whilst the average graduation rate of an institution was below twenty percent of those who enrolled, yet, in a strange twist we were calling this successful.

In reality, it was always a money-making machine of the elite and a clever way to keep us all trapped in our heads. Thus, creating a world of people who either think they aren’t smart enough, or worse still, constantly striving for intelligence that is merely a blip compared to the limitless potential of self-realised intuition.

The next sentence may come as quite a surprise to you. You don’t need to go to university, or even school for that matter, to tap into your limitless potential through intuition. Every one of us was born with intuition innately and used it actively in our childhood until conditioning covered it over and poof the entire concept of intuition was gone, out of sight, out of mind.

If you are one of those people who don’t think you’ve ever had intuition. That's because thinking is the problem. Consider a time when you instinctively said no, I don’t feel it is a good idea to do this, you second-guessed yourself, and then you turned out to be right. We have all done this many times in our lives.

Your intuition is trying to fight the good fight for you, but are you listening?

Adding insult to injury, we have been the foot soldiers of social and cultural conditioning for generations, doing the heavy lifting to remove intuition from children, without even realising the damage we are doing to the collective humanity.

Imagine what the world might look like if we all had our intuition actively engaged in every part of our lives. What we could achieve both individually and collectively without stress, futile exams and endless years wasted attempting to gather intelligence.

So why does intuition bring so much more potential than intelligence?

A simple mix of basic mathematics, spatial awareness and a touch of quantum physics can bring this into focus pretty easily without the need to be a quantum physicist. All things exist in the quantum field, including us, which is limitless. To understand this all you need to do is look up into the vastness of the sky and the trillions of stars at night, that seem to go on forever.

Our brains, on the other hand, are less than the size of a melon, which is ironic really, as some like to call your head, your melon. I digress. The size difference therefore between the quantum field and your brain is so vast, that it is, excuse the pun, a complete no-brainer. Even if you consider storage capacity alone. Your brain would be a USB drive and the Quantum field is a supercomputer you are quite literally living inside of, at a cellular level.

Why would you use your USB-sized brain trapped by intellect, when you are part of the quantum field supercomputer, connected by your intuition?

There is no need to tap into the quantum field so to speak, you’re already connected to it because you are part of it and it is part of you. Yet, you likely just don’t realise it. Thus you are unable to use it to its full potential in your life. Your intuition is, therefore, quite literally hidden in plain sight, inside you. Quantum entanglement has already been proven at the cellular level, but the intelligence narrative wants you to think this is merely woo-woo, instead of science, to stop you from finding your intuition and therefore your limitless potential.

The word Woo-woo has been purposefully used to attempt to eradicate thousands of years of human development. Just like the words conspiracy theory, both are bandied around everywhere to keep you believing the promoted narrative. Instead, you could simply re-connect to your intuition to see the truth and set yourself free, at any time.

Knowing and developing your Intuition is as much a human right as the oxygen you breathe. Yet, in this beautifully orchestrated power grab of manipulation, you’ve been tricked into doing all the heavy lifting, that results in you denying yourself of your full potential.

Why would anyone want to deny you of your potential, you might be thinking?

Because, by far the most effective and efficient way to keep something from you, is to make you believe it’s not possible, then you deny it from yourself. Leaving no one to point the finger at.

I have lost count of how many people I meet who think they aren’t capable of intuition at all. Many others are left thinking their intuition simply can’t be trusted because they’ve been taught to rely only on rational thought. This is where you directly minimise yourself, stuck thinking in loops in that tiny melon-sized brain. When you get stuck in loops of what I like to call rationality overload, you believe only what you see, instead of seeing what you believe.

I find these facts incredibly telling, making it easy to see why most people miss all the queues of intuition. Deny something often and for long enough, it will simply disappear below the layers of conditioning, just like years of coats of paint conceal what lays below over time.

It takes deliberate intention and action to peel back the layers that have gathered in your belief system over time. Just like the paint on timber, you need to take care as you gradually remove it to reveal the beauty that lies below.

I can tell you from personal experience, that the unpealing is incredibly rewarding to do. When you finally uncover your intuition waiting to be re-discovered within, learn to trust it and let it guide you forward, your life begins to change in ways you have never imagined possible, both personally and professionally.

Over time you can slowly learn to trust your intuition again, building strength in your intuitive muscle, so to speak, and give the brain a rest. When you do this work, you could very well start saying things like ‘ wholly shit, where did that come from’, because you know it wasn’t your brain.

Intuitive muscle development helps you to make better decisions on the fly, reducing the need to waste time over-planning for every potential scenario. The change that this had in my working life was mind-blowing. I used to plan every meeting, presentation and pitch to the tiniest detail.

Now, I have learned to combine the limitless power of my intuition with my brain function. I do this in a highly productive way, causing less stress, and a sense of intuitive knowing that the information I need will come to me exactly when I need it. I learned to trust it implicitly and guess what, it works every single time, without fail.

Without rediscovering your intuition you will remain with a strong tendency to second guess yourself, overthink and waste your time.

Are you ready to reclaim your lost intuition to reignite your limitless potential?

It has always been in you, waiting for you to rediscover it. You might be thinking, where do I start though?

Start by feeling your heart instead of the endless overthinking in your head. Only your heart can lead you back to your intuition because your mind has been trained to limit yourself.

You don’t have to go it alone. Just like I did in the beginning, there is nothing wrong with asking for some help to get you on your way to realising your limitless potential. There aren’t eight billion of us on the planet to do everything alone. We are here to help one another.

If you want some help, reach out for a chat.

Love to you all.



Jeanette Peterson
The Art of Mindful Disruption

I am a Mindfulness writer and transformation strategist who empowers people to be great through the expansion of an inward journey.