What’s with this pandemic of “pretend prosperity”?

Jeanette Peterson
The Art of Mindful Disruption
7 min readJul 5, 2024


Across the Western world, there appears to be endless money, or so it seems. Yet if money is so endless why are the majority of the 8 billion people struggling, whilst the top 1% appear to be hoarding 99% of the money?

We are, apparently, heading towards a digital currency if you believe what mainstream media keeps telling you. Yet what would happen if we all went to the bank and tried to draw out our entire bank balance listed on our bank statement?

Look around you and what do you see?

Here in the West, we seem somewhat terrified about adopting a social credit scoring system that we believe is keeping all of China trapped in a society we like to call communism, even though it is the People’s Republic of China. At the same time, if you ask people in China, they say all is well.

Yet, here in the West, we already have a self-imposed system already in place, that appears to have slipped completely under our radar.

What system am I talking about?

A society of consumerism that is keeping us all trapped. Leaving us working more than we play, just to make enough money so we can pay our monthly mortgage, car and credit card payments. Yet, in reality, we own nothing already because the banks literally own us.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Because mega corporations have got us playing the game of everyone wants what everyone else has. It has been beautifully orchestrated through mass marketing creating FOMO and an attempt to keep up with the Joneses for those born before the nineties.

We don’t need a social scoring system because we are already keeping score, in the race to the top, rigged never to be won by 99% of people.

Meanwhile, in the real world, the vast majority are broke, living pay-to-pay with credit card debt rising exponentially on mass.

You might be surprised to know that pre-covid the average Australian was statistically two weeks from homelessness. So much for the lucky country, right?

These alarming figures are not just relevant to big cities either.

All you have to do is travel throughout rural towns outside of the big cities, likely in any Western country. New housing estates popping up one after the other. House prices in rural towns, in some places, are now on par with the big cities. This combined with significantly lower incomes and lower job opportunities, will leave you wondering where are all these people getting their money from to pay these exorbitant house prices.

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see something is not adding up. It will likely leave you shaking your head, wondering what the hell is going on.

Since COVID I have travelled extensively, moving through five out of seven separate states in Australia. When I talk to people everywhere, superficially they act as if everything is just great, in one giant ‘she’ll be right mate!

Yet, unfortunately, it is highly likely that everyone is pretending to be doing fine because when you scratch below the surface, most people are barely hanging on by a thread. Truth be told it’s more likely that no one except for the top 1% are doing OK at all.

So why in Western countries is everyone faking prosperity? When did we stop being the lucky country? Or were we never the lucky country? Has it all been a big fake that we all bought into? Excuse the pun!

These are questions that we all need to ask.

I see endless people selling their homes to rent, too embarrassed to tell anyone of their struggles like it would somehow mean you aren’t worthy of a place in society unless you financially measure up with the right car, the right clothes and pretending to own your own home in the right neighbourhood.

Yet, in reality, most people really own nothing of value. The banks not only likely own your home, car, caravan and boat, but you too because you are shackled to them with high-interest payment plans that never seem to end.

People say they choose to work beyond retirement years but the reality is for most, they simply can’t afford to stop working, yet are too embarrassed to admit it.

Then there are the many who retire, run out of money and sign over their homes in a reverse mortgage. Where you basically get a lump sum by signing over your home, for a fixed price, if you were lucky enough to have paid it off. Then when you die they claim it. You can say goodbye to generational wealth creation because people often don’t even tell their children, leaving them to discover this after their death.

Imagine, at one time, people were able to buy a house for a reasonable price, live in it when they retired and then leave it to their children when they died. This is fast becoming a thing of the past. More likely by design rather than by accident.

So how did we manage to find ourselves in the Western world, to be in a pandemic of fake wealth?

We fell for the lies from banks, governments and mega corporations hook, line and sinker. It is no conspiracy. You don’t have to look far now to see the truth, because they are all so brazen, that they don’t even bother to hide it anymore in some kind of ‘we gotcha’ stranglehold. But the game aint over until the fat lady sings so to speak!

We are spending our entire lives working hard to make the top 1% even richer because all the money flows directly up to them. We have fallen for it for generations under catchy slogans like “the great Australian dream” to own your own home.

The World Health Organisation is spruiking the line “You’ll own nothing and you will be happy”, infuriating people everywhere. However, for the vast majority, the wheels are not only already turning in that direction, but to add insult to injury we are literally on a high-speed descent, and almost everyone is blindfolded.

If you are over 40, having paid into Superannuation for your entire working life. You will be abundantly aware of our pathetic compulsory superannuation contribution, which we pretend our employer pays. When we know it will do nothing. In reality, compulsory superannuation comes out of our remuneration packages. It is not going to do you squat at retirement, likely leaving you wondering if you will ever retire. Just ask a French person to tell you how that feels.

This is the reality of Western governments who have sold all our community assets to mega corporations, who are now gouging out multi-billion dollar profits directly from our pockets, right under our noses for more than 20 years.

If you don’t believe me look for yourself. The ATO is outsourced to SERCO. Transport departments, the military and policing are also outsourced, not to mention treasury department funding management which covers all federal, state and local government funding. It doesn’t take much research to discover this for yourself. Many have been aware of the sliding slope of outsourcing government departments to mega corporations for more than 20 years, whilst no one listened and mainstream media owned by mega corporations painted conspiracy theorists as crazy people. Well, it would seem that the game is now up.

Inflation and inflation fakery on behalf of mega-corporations are annihilating the middle class of Western countries. Who incidentally have been propping up charities for the last 20 years as the biggest donors, in one of the greatest distractions of the modern era. Leaving the rich to get even richer, whilst the middle class took care of the poor. So on the downward demise of the middle class, we are inadvertently pushing the poor to the brink, because we are no longer, as a society, able to support them through charitable donations.

It all looks bleak, right? Not at all. There is still a lot we can all do.

What can you do? Lots, but first as a society, we need to admit we have a huge problem, that is not only not going away, but it’s getting worse every year. The longer we wait to unite so we can bust out of these shackles, the worse it is going to get.

How much higher a price are you prepared to pay for essentials before we all say enough is enough?

What would happen if we all just stopped paying for everything?
The system would crash. A very wise person once said to me “Ask yourself what is the worst thing that could happen”. What is the worst thing that could happen if we all start to say NO? Is it worse than what is already happening now? Or Could it be better?

Openly accepting our societal dilemma and sharing the load instead of having to pretend all is ok alone, could be a great start.

United we are powerful, divided we are weak. When we say NO to the 1% hoarding everything and crash the system that only exists because we comply, something amazing comes next.

Don’t believe it’s possible? Take a look at the losses being felt by mega corporations that are being boycotted in an incredibly well-organised growing movement of young people. Mega corporations who own brands like Zara, Starbucks and McDonalds are losing billions, but you are not going to hear about that in mainstream media. So what else are you not hearing about?

When we work together, we get to build a better system that is fair for everyone. Just an idea.

Now that sounds like something worth fighting for! Don’t you think?

Much love to you all.



Jeanette Peterson
The Art of Mindful Disruption

I am a Mindfulness writer and transformation strategist who empowers people to be great through the expansion of an inward journey.