Whilst you fight for the freedom of others, has distraction stolen yours at the fork in the road?

Jeanette Peterson
The Art of Mindful Disruption
12 min readJun 17, 2024


As participants of white Western colonisation, we have all, whether we like it or not, come to a major crossroads in life.

Do we grow as humanity collectively? or Do we continue to be stuck in the current repeating pattern of white colonialism, masquerading as democracy and pretend freedom, whilst we fight for the freedom of others, who we perceive as less fortunate?

It’s an interesting conundrum facing humanity right now. Yet, it could likely be the greatest time in known history to be alive. How you deal with all this, is dependent on two things; your ability to adjust your perspective and your willingness to do the work to free yourself, so that we all may be free.

To be clear, I am not talking about some mindless woke self-obsession about your internal journey, to the detriment of all others. To the contrary, I’m talking about seeing all others in you and yourself in all others, in a way that brings personal and collective growth, so that humanity might finally be free.

To begin, let’s take a trip together through an idea that is less far-fetched than you might first think, with a question?

What if we had all been so utterly distracted, by the lack of freedom for others, that our very own lack of freedom had completely been obscured, by a well-designed veil of smoke and mirrors, that is keeping us all stuck?

When you begin to assess the realities of the modern world we are all living in, with a little more diligence than the daily news and the plethora of marketing campaigns constantly coming from all sides. You will likely discover, as I and many others have, that almost no one is free. In particular, not even the top 1% who control all the money, no matter how much they want you to believe it to be so.

Yes, the top 1% want you to believe they are free and that money gives them freedom. They also want you to strive to desire to be just the same as them so that you chase money endlessly to no avail. It is a clever ploy to keep you busy spending, to ensure a constant flow of money filtering straight up to the top.

Why is this so important?

It’s quite a common tactic of a bully. The “if I can’t have it, neither can you” scenario. So that humanity collectively can’t surpass their money trap to evolve enabling the entire world to be finally free.

Why would the top 1% of wealthy people be so insecure? You might be thinking. They seem so successful and self-assured on the surface. However, the money chases haven’t worked out that money can’t buy them ultimate freedom, also known to some as conscious enlightenment. In fact, in an interesting twist, the poorer you are the closer you are to it.

Somewhere in the eightfold practice, I recall in beautiful words I read somewhere in Buddhism or Yogic philosophy, it goes something like this; to realise your infinite nature you must first strive through personal inner pursuit to gain all power and wisdom and then you must be prepared to give it all up.

It would seem that those with all the money, seem unable to give it up or even share so that no one goes without. Why because money is not true wealth and many now know this.

Through the entrapment of the education system in the West, we have been taught knowledge is power. However intellectual knowledge, when compared to intuition is not powerful at all. We teach intellect in a restrictive bubble that is finite. I and many others raced down this path in a constant thirst for intellectual knowledge. You might have tried the same path too.

Yet when you discover how to connect to your intuition, you soon realise that it has infinite possibilities, far beyond the realms of intelligence, human or artificially implied through machine learning algorithms.

The rich 1% are pouring their money into what they like to call AI, in the chase of high intelligence, yet they and anyone following the money, are racing down a dead-end road. This thing, we suddenly overnight began to call AI, is simply a computer that can consume high volumes of data to spit out answers. It’s not intuitive at all and never will be because it is only as intelligent as the data humans input, therefore it can never surpass human intuition that absorbs information externally to the brain. They know this and want us all to use it. Why? because they not only want our money but they also want to access our intelligence and our intuition too.

Through this smoke & mirrors of fake AI, masquerading as your helper in all things, we’ve all been duped, in a trick to outsource our intelligence. If you are using AI tools, you are buying into an intelligence that has intentional bias built in. At first, you may see it and adjust for these biases. Yet over time, through subtle manipulation, you will not even realise that you have given up your intelligence to a system controlled by the 1%, through a desire for convenience and performance improvement. Yet the question no one is asking is, at what cost?

Right now, these tools have been designed to be appealing, drawing in the masses. Yet once you outsource your intellect to an intentionally finite algorithm controlled outside of you, you will find yourself stepping further and further away from the infinite potential that has always existed within you. This is not happening merely by accident but by design.

Here we are, at the proverbial fork in the road, so to speak. What we all choose to do next has far-reaching consequences in the future.

Why? You might be thinking.

Well, we are being lured into the path of least resistance. The “change everything as long as I don’t have to change me” mentality, is on repeat in the Western world. Leaving us all consumed by consuming, letting AI think for us and perpetual perceived ownership of property.

I think it is a poignant time to remind you of the concept of, “if you don’t use it, you lose it”, that’s at play.

This may sound like some kind of madness. However, I am sorry to say this is exactly why the Western world is trapped in full-blown colonial oppression, yet on mass we simply can’t see the trees for the forest, so to speak.

Simply put, the vast majority of people in the Western world want everything to be better, constantly complaining about what others aren’t doing and attaching themselves to anything that looks like it will make life easier. However, most don’t want to feel any pain during the process of creating that better world.

Why do you think the media and news focus on what celebrities and the rich are doing?

It is merely an elaborate distraction by those who can’t give up the material possession most highly regarded, money. Even though we all know too well another common phrase of the Western world; that is “money can’t buy happiness”.

So, whilst the millionaires turn into billionaires and then trillionaires, the vast majority get poorer with more and more debt. If you aren’t seeing the patterns yet you are in for a very bumpy ride that is closer than you might like to think.

This debt spiral is humanity’s wake-up call, not to hold onto money but to finally let go of the trap that money has drawn us into. Like a carrot waved in front of an animal to perform tricks to gain the reward, we too have become the performing animals trapped and controlled.

Money could have given us all freedom, yet greed has made it impossible. Most of us have been trapped by greed, even though we would likely not want to admit it. We have all made decisions that helped us and negatively impacted others for money, which may cause us embarrassment and guilt to accept.

Yet, if we truly want the world to be a better place, we have to all step up, accept the role we have played, heal and be prepared to move forward together in a new direction. There will be pain. Growth, we know does not come without difficulty. We all know that avoiding that difficulty is not going to make the problem go away.

Yet, in an almost comical stark reality, you, right now, are closer to freedom than the people you are striving to be, will ever be.

How is this possible? You might be thinking. In reality, it is simply because the 1% and their followers won’t give up their relentless pursuit of money which is keeping them all trapped.

In the end, it comes down to one decision, money or freedom, because as much as you would like it, you can’t have your cake, and eat it too.

There are two opposing forces at play in the world

Well, to get some clarity on how we got here, we should probably take a step back and look at the two opposing forces that seem to be playing the “winner takes it all” game, we so fondly call life.

These two opposing forces are basically trying to pull the masses in each direction. Those who are free who don’t appear to be free at all, and those who think they are free, yet are most certainly not free at all.

You might need to re-read that last sentence a few times to let it sink in.

Which one are you? I bet if you live in the Western world you would quickly say “I am free of course”, yet are you really? and what grounds do you use to assert your badge of freedom with such certainty?

Are you financially free? Are you spiritually free? Are you physically free? Are you mentally free? Are you emotionally free? Or any of the many other freedoms that your social and cultural conditioning has you holding dear.

What if you discovered right now that you are not free at all? What would you do?

Let’s look at what these two opposing forces might look like separately before you decide just how free you think you are.

Opposing force number one — Those who present themselves as free to the world, yet are trapped on the wheel of chasing money endlessly

This position is held by the top 1% who are hoarding 99% of the world’s money, along with everyone, who is desperately trying to become one of them.

This group of people want you to think they are confident, capable and outside your reach. Yet the reality is that the world is upside down, inside out and back to front.

What if I told you that these people are riddled with imposter syndrome, feelings of inadequacy, feelings of a crippling inability to spiritually grow, intensified by a deeply rooted limiting belief system that is underpinned by a scarcity mindset?

Believe it or not, this is the absolute truth, hidden behind all the smoke and mirrors of a game of celebrity, bolstered by tv, movies and fake news that they all want you to believe.

When you begin to look more clearly, things become obvious. A scarcity mindset is focused on the idea that everything is finite. This kind of mindset leaves you thinking life is short, the planet will run out of resources and there aren’t enough resources for everyone to flourish collectively. In turn, this leads you right up the garden path to believe that we live in a dog-eat-dog world, hoarding money, resources and possessions for your own good. Divided by belief, religion, race, colour, culture, sex and everything else we are conditioned to believe.

Is your belief based on what marketing, the TV and mass media are telling you?

Are you feeling some or many of these same things in your life?

Is this by design or by accident?

Lots of questions I know, but they are important ones to take time to consider and ask yourself, so you can get clear on where you are at right now, regardless where you think your life is playing out in the two opposing forces game.

What if the 1% of the population controlling the money had a scarcity mindset and couldn’t work out how to escape it, no matter how hard they tried? How would they attempt to control the rest, so that we couldn’t become infinite beings completely free?

The answer to this question might just bring greater clarity to the current situation in the entire world.

Would they try to trick you into thinking you were already free, so you didn’t pursue full spiritual freedom?

If you look around in your own life, you might begin to see many examples of how this is playing out for you. This could include debt traps like mortgages, car loans and credit card debt attempting to buy all the things that the people you perceive as free to have. This is only one of hundreds of examples that become clear once you begin to see the world as it really is.

The only problem is that a scarcity mindset is also driven by fear, and to overcome your scarcity mindset you need to let go of the fear that drives it.

Fear is the underlying force driving everything when you are being pulled by the opposing force number one.

Remember you are in control. The opposing forces cannot pull you without your permission.

Opposing force number two — Those who don’t look free at all on the superficial surface level, yet, in reality, are the most free of all people

So what is this freedom I talk of? It is the freedom of a truly infinite mindset. An understanding that the world and everything within it is infinite by nature, with an endless flow of resources, endings and beginnings.

This is in stark contrast to the scarcity mindset. In an infinite mindset, we understand that we do not die, but instead, change just like every other living thing made up of cells, which is part of the entire universe that we are experiencing through this human lived experience.

An infinite mindset is based on the solid foundation of love, instead of fear. Love is far more powerful hence its connection to the infinite, with fear being debilitating, hence its connection to the finite. A little trick I will share with you is when you compare the words finite and infinite, the only difference is the word in, and this is where the infinite exists, within you.

When we begin to tap into our understanding of our own infinite nature, the experience of life becomes very different indeed.

The people who decide to do the work to find this path towards real freedom do it in many ways. There is no one tried and tested way. Some find divinity through God or Allah, in many forms of religion and spiritual pursuits. Some through terrible trials and tribulations in life leading through much suffering and some through love.

At the end of one belief, if you trust yourself enough to let go of intellect and let your intuition guide you, all roads lead to Rome.

I can tell you from experience, that uncovering the bridge from intellect to intuition is one of the most rewarding personal discoveries I have made in my lifetime. This is available to us all, but just as I did you must be prepared to take the leap of faith, even where you see no bridge at first. The bridge will arrive for you, just as it did for me.

So, what can you do?

Firstly, it is important to acknowledge and accept the role you are playing, whether that be the opposing force number one or two.

Do you continue to pretend you don’t know what role you are playing in the game of two opposing forces? or Do you take the time individually to step through personal fear and guilt, to pave the way forward for humanity collectively?

We all know we have played a role in oppressing others whether that be by accident or intention. It is never too late to course correct.

Many of us today are standing for Palestine, externalising freedom by opposing the oppression of the beautiful Palestinian people, who are being brutally murdered in a live stream of apartheid and ethnic cleansing. It is a beautifully loving and noble cause to stand up for other people.

Yet, what if I told you that the very freedom you might be determined to pursue for others, has literally eluded you? In the Western world, we have been trapped in the lie of our false freedom for hundreds of years. Palestine and its beautiful people so divinely spiritually connected, might be shining the biggest light directly on the lie itself, in an attempt not just to free themselves, but to free us all.

To understand the magnitude of the current events, we need to recognise the same patterns of apartheid and ethnic cleansing that have been playing out in every Western society’s backyard for hundreds of years before Palestine.

We need to in tandem, whilst we fight to preserve the freedom of Palestine, we too must all fight for our personal freedom, right where we stand. For, no one is free until we all are free from every river to every sea.

Once each of us realises we have a path to ultimate freedom held within us, finally, we will all be free.

Much love to you all.



Jeanette Peterson
The Art of Mindful Disruption

I am a Mindfulness writer and transformation strategist who empowers people to be great through the expansion of an inward journey.