Fastlane for iOS

Nikunj Prajapati
Mindful Engineering
3 min readJun 24, 2021

Is your iOS app is ready to share with the world?, if yes then you must have to check fastlane.

In this blog, I am going to tell you about Fastlane, the usage of it and how to install fastlane for your iOS Project.

So, Let’s Start our journey with fastlane!!!

Fastlane is an open-source tool that is used to automate releases and deployment of apps.

“fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS apps. 🚀 It handles all tedious tasks, like generating screenshots, dealing with code signing, and releasing your application.”

Install fastlane in mac

Installing fastlane is very easy, here’s how :

  • If you have not installed Xcode command-line tools, then first install it using following command.
  • xcode-select — install
  1. Open terminal in your mac and navigate to your project path

2. After it install fastlane using following command

it will ask for your Mac password, just enter your mac password.

3. Run below command for Initialize the fastlane in your project

You have installed fastlane at this moment.

Now we will see how to upload an App to TestFlight using fastlane.

4. Select option 2 for automating beta distribution to TestFlight. Type 2 and press enter.

5. It will ask for your Apple ID developer credentials.

6. If Multiple App Store Connect teams found, please enter the number of the team you want to use.

7. If Multiple teams found on the Developer Portal, please enter the number of the team you want to use.

8. For creating APP-SPECIFIC-PASSWORD use below link :-

9. After completing fastlane Initialization open FastFile which is available on below Path :-

  • Path : [Project]/fastlane/Fastfile

10. After it, run fastlane beta (Ex: fastlane [lane name])

Above command will increase your build number and upload build on test flight.

Important Notes: If your task is running in Loop and below message continuously print on your console please check your email and solved that error.

Ex: ‘ Waiting for the build to show up in the build list — this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)’.

That’s it, you have just automated beta distribution to TestFlight.

There is more you can do with fastlne, like Automate Screenshots and Automate App store distribution also. You can also manually setup your project to automate your tasks.

You can now also configure your Fastfile with Swift. It will allows you to write your fastlane configuration using Xcode, in Swift — the language you have come to know and love from the world of iOS development. For more detail visit to :-


If you have any queries or questions then you can comment here. Also, check out some of the amazing work that we do at MindInventory and how we help build awesome products for people around the world. 😀

Happy Coding…😊😊

