5 Simple Ways to Create Mindfulness

Susan Bell
Mindful Living Today
4 min readMar 24, 2023

Be present, Be mindful, Be you.

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the constant chatter of our minds and the endless demands of our daily lives. What if there was a way to slow down, tune in, and cultivate a sense of presence and awareness? The goal of mindfulness is to become more present, focused, and grounded in the present moment, which can help to reduce stress, improve well-being, and enhance overall quality of life. This article explores five ways to create mindfulness in your daily routine. These practices are effective, and fit into even the busiest schedules. So, breathe, smile, and let’s begin.

Spend the waking moments grateful for those who love you.

1. Start your day with a mindfulness practice.

When we first wake up, our minds start figuring out the day’s upcoming events. Many of the tasks are routine, and we ‘re-live’ yesterday. Instead of focusing on what we want for our future, we tend to fall into thoughts of our problems. To change this habit, begin your day with a simple mindfulness practice like deep breathing, 15–30 minute meditation, or yoga. This will help you set a positive tone for the day and cultivate a greater sense of awareness and presence.

Breathe in coffee, breathe out love. Photo by Maria on Unsplash

2. Create mindfulness spaces.

Set up a dedicated space in your home or workplace. It can be a corner of a room, a garden, or a quiet park bench. Even while in your car, stuck in traffic! The trick to being mindful is you can re-center anywhere. There’s no need for candles and soft music. Take a slow breath and focus on the space behind your eyes. Thirty seconds of slow breathing and behind-the-eye focus can change your whole thought process and will begin to improve your life.

3. Take mindful breaks.

Throughout the day, take breaks to sit and breathe. Focus on your breath, and use the ‘behind the eye’ focus technique. If your environment is too loud or you find your mind wandering, then breathe and focus on your surroundings and physical sensations instead. Don’t judge or quantify the noises but observe and let them move on like balloons floating in the sky. Mindful breaks will reset and refresh your mind, even if you have a few minutes to spare.

Stop talking — start listening Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

4. Mindful listening.

This particular awareness exercise will benefit you in more ways than being mindful. In today’s fast-paced society, no one seems to connect and listen. When you listen with mindfulness, you benefit yourself and the other person immensely, thus building the bond between you. Listneing intently can lead to many positive outcomes in the future. When in conversation, practice mindful listening. Pay attention to what the other person is saying without getting lost in your thoughts or distractions. Be present, ask questions, and truly connect with them.

A picture is worth a 1,000 words… Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

5. Mindful technology.

I’m as guilty as the rest of us when it comes to letting screens, and phones clutter my mindful time. I had to lay down some simple rules with myself. I’ll share them with you.

#1 Don’t take the phone in the bathroom. I know this sounds silly. But when you need the restroom, use the restroom. If you take a deep breath and close your eyes for those few seconds many times a day, it has a greater impact on your mind than cat videos on youtube. When washing your hands, give thanks. The simple act of gratitude raises your vibration and begins to bring good things to you.

#2 Delete some social media. Most of us grew up with no social media. We can all live without any of it. While I still have Twitter, and a Facebook page, I do not have Instagram, WeChat, Snapchat, and many others that suck up our precious time and infiltrate our minds. Also, I deleted accounts that show violence or hate. My Twitter feed is filled with positive mindful messages and funny jumping animal videos.

While technology offers many benefits and conveniences, it can also be a source of distraction and overwhelm. Mindful use of technology involves taking breaks from screens, setting boundaries, and being intentional with your time online. Setting boundaries can help to establish healthy habits and reduce the temptation to mindlessly scroll. Being intentional with your time online can also help you to stay focused and reduce stress.

Practicing mindfulness is a powerful way to cultivate a greater sense of awareness, presence, and well-being in our lives. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can learn to slow down, tune in, and connect with the present moment. Whether through mindful breathing, meditation, or simply taking a technology break, these practices are accessible, effective, and can be tailored to your individual needs and preferences. So, start small, be patient with yourself, and remember that mindfulness is a journey, not a destination. With time, dedication, and a willingness to be present, you can cultivate a greater sense of mindfulness and live your life with more intention, clarity, and joy.



Susan Bell
Mindful Living Today

Inspirational writer, and business coach. Starting each day with a handful of sunshine & willing to share it with you.