Mentally Better This Time

A brighter day for my mental health

Mindful Mental Health
2 min readMar 4, 2022


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

My mind feels so free after a long devastating journey into the echoless void. I was finally able to escape my destructive thoughts. I took many steps forward, since then I have not looked back. I honestly woke up this morning looking ahead to accomplishing anything. It has been an ongoing battle with my mental state lately. Did I win the war finally? Of course not. Life is far from being perfect in our minds. We will always find a way to drag ourselves down mentally. We can learn to adapt to our situations or give up while we continue to drown inside our mental obstacles.

As an individual, I have felt so much better being able to give you all an insight into what has been going on inside my head. So many of you in this community has been so kind. It reminded me that we should never give up! That is why I am here today, still writing to you all.

I feel so free having the choice to spill my thoughts all over to whoever is reading. If you are reading this today, please remember you are great. No matter what you have been facing, life has a beautiful way of making things right. I have learned that the hard way throughout my journey. We should never give any power to every outside noise. I can honestly sleep better at night, applying this to my life.

A human brain is a powerful tool that could be our downfall or, it can help us do remarkable things. Utilizing our brain to all its capacity for good, can change so much of what we do in our daily lives. I won’t sit here typing away & tell you it is the easiest task. If it was, I don’t think anyone would be dealing with any mental illness. I wish that this was a fictional world with only peace & positivity. Sadly, it is not the case for our reality. But we are a collective of beautiful people who have the power to mold our reality day by day.



Mindful Mental Health

Always had a passion for being outspoken through a pen & paper. I welcome anyone through a journey inside my creativity, passion, & even deepest thoughts.