My Baby Brother Died Two Years Ago Now

How grieving works for me

Denise Estey Lindquist
Mindful Mental Health


Authors photo from Tim’s funeral - L: Tim’s 4 daughters and grandson, his 7 nieces and 3 nephews, and a couple of their children

My brother died in March of 2021. He was my youngest brother, born on February 14, 1973, just two years before my daughter. They were close. They were more like siblings than he and I were.

He belonged to all of his 5 siblings. We took him where ever we went, including some took him out on dates. My brother’s wife said that she thought for sure that Tim was Chuck’s child. She said that his coloring was closer to Chuck’s than anyone else in the family.

I had been married 2 years before he was born, so people that didn’t see our mother when she was pregnant thought for sure he was mine. If they saw her, they knew he was her baby as he weighed 11 pounds when he was born and it showed on our mom.

I wrote the following and placed it in a book for his girls and gave it to them at his funeral.

My Brother Tim

My baby brother Tim Estey

He isn’t an Estey that is testy

Always good-tempered, I sigh

As a little guy

He was the very best, so why

Did he die before his time

And at a time like this, how can I rhyme



Denise Estey Lindquist
Mindful Mental Health

Married, 7 children, 27 grand & 12 great. I am a part-time culture consultant. I write with Vocal, Medium, NaNoWriMo, and Facebook, A Poem A Day In February