Negotiating With My Inner Child

Learning to work together has been a bumpy road

Sam Finlayson
Mindful Mental Health


Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

My inner child and I had a disagreement this past week. To give it context, she is still salty that she doesn’t get out to play as often as she used to. I don’t blame her; she got free reign every time I was mildly inconvenienced, and now she hardly ever gets to drive.

I digress; I have been living a situation at work. As part of my role, I work alongside the company creating a new computer system. One of the people is, without a doubt, passive-aggressive and, at times, flagrantly incompetent. I spend an extended part of my day fighting fires not started by me. On top of all of this, they are gaslighting me into thinking they have completed work or I have not completed work. They will not admit to any mistakes on their part and get mad when called out.

This person is someone who activates my threat system daily. In the past inner child me, let’s call her Sammy, would be overreacting hence why we are fighting. Sammy wants to go postal on their ass, call them out for all the crap they talk. Sammy is pissed. A few times, she has almost taken over; I could feel her impatience nearly succumbing to it.

I get what she is saying, and she isn’t wrong, but matching their energy won’t get my point across. So instead, I have spent energy shoring…



Sam Finlayson
Mindful Mental Health

Love 📚 New to writing but loving every minute. Write about my experiences with therapy, trauma and recovery as well as other things that cross my mind 😉