My Plan to Create a Powerhouse Woman Out of My 3-Year-Old Daughter

The inception of positive self-talk.

Olivia Batraski
Mindful Mom
2 min readAug 6, 2021


Image curtesy of Anya Perepelkina

Singing rhythmically, in a 3 year old’s voice — “I am. beeaautifuuuul from my head… to my toes… I am. beeaautifuuuul from my head… to my toes…”

That’s the song I started singing with my 3 year old daughter over a year ago. We sing it dancing in the mirror together. It’s a full on Beyonce moment! We flip our hair swing our hips! Fully clothed and sometimes after her bath.

Everyday…every single day… I tell my 3 year old daughter that’s she’s beautiful. I tell her that she’s brave. Unique. Strong. Powerful. Loved. Just as she is. And she… she can do anything. And that nothing can take that away from her…

In the car, while I do her hair… I have her repeat after me — “I am brave, I am unique, I am strong, I am powerful”…

Not what all her classmates from school will say. Maybe not what the media will tell her. Not what this world is set up to support for her.

All with one goal in mind. To establish a positive inner voice. A inner voice of a strong confident frickin’ powerhouse of a woman.

“Inner voice, also known as internal dialogue or inner monologue, is a language-based internal chatter. How you talk to yourself in your head.”

My belief: if I instill positive thoughts within her, she will speak to herself in this way when she is older, in moments she needs it most. I believe it is foundational to her confidence, and I do this praying it will be enough to combat the negative inner-dialog society can try to instill.

Because this world, it is set up to create the opposite of positive self-talk. “I’m not pretty enough”, “I’m not good enough”…

I want her to know, she IS enough. Without her makeup… she’s beautiful… without that pretty dress… she’s gorgeous… and without the “societal ideal of perfect hair, eyes, body…” she is beyond this world stunningly…beyond a doubt…PERFECT. Just as she is… She is most certainly. ENOUGH.

My plan to create a powerhouse woman out of my 3-year-old daughter, shower her with internal words of encouragement now in hopes for external confidence later.

Dear future Madelyn… I hope that this… that this is enough to get you through anything this world may throw your way. I love you baby girl!
- Mommy

