10 Signs You Found Your Soulmate

Or everything you never knew you always wanted.

Colleen Murphy
Mindful Muse


Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soulmate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.”

Elizabeth Gilbert

People love to say things like, when you meet your soulmate you will just know. As if that one moment in time will define your life and you will never wonder again. But how?

My heart breaks for anyone feeling lonely. Whether you have been single for years or are in a long-term relationship, loneliness happens. Lack of genuine connection can leave you feeling as if you are living on a deserted island, with no one to turn to.

Maybe you never meet anyone interesting. Maybe your partner doesn’t get you so you feel alone in a relationship. Maybe you have lost someone you love.

It doesn’t matter, it is all the same pain. We all crave a real connection. And it is what we deserve.

Let’s Start With What a Soulmate…



Colleen Murphy
Mindful Muse

Writing about the beautiful journey of life and love. We are all figuring this out together