Mindful Muse: On Finding Our Purpose

And why you should too

Colleen Murphy
Mindful Muse


Photo: Colleen Murphy

What is stopping you from pursuing your dream? Do you feel, at this moment, you are fulfilling your life purpose?

For most of us, the brutal truth is that we have become our own worst enemy. We have plenty of people or circumstances to blame for our lack of passion. The daily grind becomes so deeply ingrained in the fabric of our being that we no longer take a moment to simply pause to reflect on how we feel.

The stresses of everyday life are very real, but only if you allow them that power. As you learn to exist only in the present moment, free from any form of self-judgment, you become mindful.

By freeing yourself from your tether to the past and casting off any anxieties about the future, you unlock a new world, previously unseen. Creativity is unleashed and roadblocks are removed when you allow yourself to become fully present.

Our purpose is to explore the practice of mindfulness by sharing our experiences. Mindful Muse is about restoring the balance in life through the simplicity of self-reflection.

Mindful Muse: On a Mission

By sharing stories related to a mindful existence, we intend to inspire your passionate creativity. Living in the present moment creates space in…



Colleen Murphy
Mindful Muse

Writing about the beautiful journey of life and love. We are all figuring this out together