Why A Good Divorce is Better Than a Bad Marriage

Living an authentic life is the only path.

Colleen Murphy
Mindful Muse


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

It all started with a dream of a life together. An ideal partner, a beautiful home, maybe children, a dog…the perfect life envisioned. It is a crushing feeling to realize that reality feels like a prison. Contemplating ending a marriage is giving up not only the reality of the relationship, but the picture of what you thought your life would become.

No one plans to get divorced. I certainly didn’t.

Holding on to the picture of what you created is a really appealing option. It isn’t that bad right? He doesn’t hit me. We aren’t screaming at each other. Can I just stick it out?

Sure. Of course you can. But at what cost?

Going through the difficulty of separating your lives is not an easy or enviable task. But coasting along in an unfulfilled, uninspired relationship is not better than a good divorce. No one should give up valuable parts of themselves to make a relationship work. Healthy relationships are the foundation for our physical health, mental well-being and are the foundation for our growth as an individual.

When you are already in a downward spiral, things can get really ugly.

#1 You Can’t Fake it Anyway



Colleen Murphy
Mindful Muse

Writing about the beautiful journey of life and love. We are all figuring this out together