
Finding Meaning in an Algorithmic World

A life beyond the feed

Amal Kitab
Mindful Musings
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2024


Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

My thumb hovered over the “like” button, the endless scroll threatening to suck me further down the rabbit hole of perfectly curated feeds.

But something felt off, an emptiness amidst the carefully crafted joy and manufactured outrage. Was this, my life, defined by the algorithms?

The answer, a hollow echo, bounced back. I yearned for something more, something beyond the fleeting dopamine hits and manufactured connections. So, I took a deep breath, a conscious defiance against the programmed pull, and closed the app.

Silence. The room, unfiltered by the blue glow, seemed different. I noticed the dust motes dancing in the sunlight, the faint scent of coffee brewing, the soft chirping of a bird outside. It was like waking from a dream, a jarring awareness of the real world beyond the curated feed.

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart.” — Helen Keller

My journey beyond the algorithm wasn’t easy. The pull of the endless scroll remained, the thought of “just one more post” tempting me back into the digital echo…



Amal Kitab
Mindful Musings

I write my reflections on the world and delve into the insights offered by Islamic literature.