What’s Your Origin Story?

Sagi Shrieber
Commit First
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2019
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Episode #37


What is your origin story?

As I’m studying more about storytelling from Russell Brunson and other sources, I feel that I’m getting clearer about my own story, and I know it’s going to help me share my message with the world. So therefore, I know it’s gonna help you as well.

So I wanted to share this with you, I think it’s super important.

So.. What’s an Origin Story? Well, an origin story is basically your story! It’s what got you geeking out in the first place about whatever it is that you’re doing in your career. Russell Brunson also calls this The Epiphany Bridge Script.

So what I would like you to think about in this episode is “What is YOUR epiphany bridge script? What is your story? What is your origin story? What started you geeking out about what you’re doing?”

Grab a pen and paper for this one, it’s going to be a game changer!

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Originally published at sagishrieber.com on February 15, 2019.



Sagi Shrieber
Commit First

Designer, Entrepreneur & Tribe Builder. CEO at Contrast UX Design Agency. Founder of Commit First Podcast & Youtube Channel.