This is a New World: Let’s Put an End to the International Economic Abuse!

IsabelleA Belanger
Mindful Solutions
Published in
6 min readMar 26, 2020
Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash

I have felt angry for years, like many of us, while trying to desperately let go of it, of this irrepressible growing anger inside me. The root of this anger is part of the world we live in, and something I wish to address more than ever, while we are at a crossroads for our own survival and the survival of all beings on this planet.

Rather than trying to let go of my anger, I learned that it would serve me better if I would dare to feel it, in order to be able to step up and act on it in a positive way in the world. This allowed me to understand the urgency of acting on the depth of the anger we all have been feeling for years.

The vast majority of us have felt stuck for a long time in a system we didn’t consciously choose, agreed to or voted for. We need to put an end for good to this international economic abuse, the root cause of people’s repressed fear, frustration, and anger.

We are all consciously or unconsciously victim of a global system, we like to call democracy. We are told and repeated by those governing us, that the actual system is the most sustainable for the benefit of all.

We must not go back to the old systems we already tried because they also failed, we need to move forward. In order to change things, we must act in a new way, because we are in a new world.

There comes a time when enough is enough! And that time has arrived. It’s now!

People tend to have a short memory when it comes to change, progress and Revolutions. Every Revolution has started when people were suffering too much because they kept hitting their heads on the wall, while nothing was changing. We can only realize that a Revolution has happened once it’s over. While in the midst of it, everybody is tired and scared and afraid that things are going from bad to worst. We are actually in those times right now when the Revolution hasn’t come out officially.

Right now, as we are speaking, more and more persons are awakening to this reality, leaving behind the old ways, like going in the streets, taking arms, making press statements and tv appearances. Because the old ways can be silenced but the new ones can’t.

Those people are working on themselves silently yet collectively, taking the matter into their own hands, in ways that are getting more and more contagious, creating a wave, a butterfly effect that could bring the positive wave for change we all crave for without the need of official institutions. When every single person starts feeling concerned and take the matter into their own hands and say: we are all in this together and together, we have more power than those few, we can start moving forward together faster in a better way.

This revolution won’t be happening by demonstrating in the streets, by breaking the law or by taking arms, but rather by joining hands to fix what’s not working together. Moving forward piece by piece, in a positive way.

That revolution has already started, whether people want to see it or not, and it’s happening from inside out. It is becoming more powerful than ever because it is a silent revolution.

The time for a peaceful revolution has come again and we are in the midst of it. But this time, it has the potential to become the widest revolution that ever happened on this planet, moving forward in a new way, more connected with human needs and nature. This Revolution will question everything from the way we do science, to how we heal, how we educate ourselves, how we view intelligence, how can we thrive and survive on this planet and find the balance that we have lost for ages.

Back in 1999, when I was studying political science, I learned that Nations were not governing us anymore, that multinational corporations had taken the lead. That was a long time ago, and the information was already acknowledged, even if by a few.

Because we are constantly hitting a wall with a system that hurts most of us, people are getting more exhausted, angry and frustrated every day. This system has become unbearable for the majority of us, the mass.

The French Revolution, we all thought, has finally put an end to the feudal system. While it might look like we still have some power through choosing those we elect, the real decisions are taken by those who decide to transform factories in a cheap labor slavery system. Factory workers are the new legal slaves of our times. In fact, we are all slaves of our times, even without realizing it.

The decisions are taken by those making more billions each year, charging us more money every day, to access our own money. They are taken by those who want to help us financially, only when all is good so that they can make more money from us while making sure they lose nothing. They are taken by those who agree under certain conditions, to let us live in a house they own, and that they can take away at any time if we don’t provide them with enough money, money they will invest to make more profit; a house they will make more money with than ourselves.

The decisions are taken by those who physically push more sales in doctors' offices, making more billions every time our Doctor pushes these ‘cures’ to us as the ultimate solution to our condition. We then become a regular client, generating more profit, because stopping medication in some cases will almost be impossible or unbearable. We are growth, we are profit, thanks to our illnesses.

They are taken by those influencing psychiatrists' views on mental illness. They are taken by those who ask Mexicans, Malaysians, Indians, North Africans, etc., to answer the phone when we have a problem with a product we bought, with a bank service, to allow them to make more profit, while offering us less service and more misunderstandings and unresolved issues, because of the cultural gap and the language barrier.

They are taken by those asking their employees to answer clients with pre-written scripts, asking their employing to put aside they analysis abilities and answer the same way every time, to act and talk like a robot, making it more and more impossible to have an issue revolved, each time we call, creating more resentment and anger on both sides.

The anger becomes so unbearable that people numb their feelings, putting on a happy mask to cope and survive the situation. They are taken by those who lobby governments to buy more arms, war machines, and planes to fight the next upcoming war.

Most people have lost a sense of even wanting to change things because they think it’s impossible, especially the older generations. The good news is that those we name the ‘me’ generation, the millennials, are more eager to move forward and bring change. Because they were born with these issues, which issues became more prevalent every day.

No, the number of wars is not increasing, there are actually have fewer wars then there ever was through history; there is less famine, less child poverty, more access to clean water, education and the Internet. We have all the needed infrastructure to create a better world.

Overall, there is progress, but not on what we need to focus on the most. In order to create the international butterfly effect that has already started to take place in different parts of the world, we all need to realize that the matter of changing things is not is somebody else’s hands. Nobody knows better than you or has more than knowledge than you about what we must do.

Take a deep breath, realize that the simple fact that you are alive is a scientific miracle. Start becoming accountable for your presence on this Earth and understand that change starts with all of us, that we must not wait for others; we are the others.

The awakening movement is growing; we are in the midst of the greatest revolution of all times. We are moving forward toward a world where people will choose to do what makes them happy. We are moving in a new direction where intuition, heart, and brain will all work together to finally bring the balanced life we have all been longing for. Join us. This is a new world. The time is now!



IsabelleA Belanger
Mindful Solutions

I inspire people and leaders to choose mindful living and conscious decision-making.