To Walk a Path Unknown

Resisting the urge to follow the herd

Sathyaghan Iyer
Mindful Writing


There is always the urge to follow the herd. Millenia of living in groups for survival where the odd ones were usually discarded, humans have developed this inherent fear for change. Perhaps the greatest paradox of being human is that there is this primal urge to be normal while also being individualistic. This probably seems counter intuitive but this juat happens to be the norm.

To walk the unknown is not only a terribly risky plan but also requires immense courage. The results are always rewarding nevertheless. Failure or success is not the goal in this, it is the very act of going out following one’s inner calling. Many resist and live the rut, but people don’t talk about the many. The daring are the one’s spoken about. Now how do we follow a path unheard of?

This is one of the simplest things to do. We all know in our deepest thoughts what we want to do, we know the reactions the people around us will have to this plan as well. Remember that here there is no good or bad, unless you’re thinking of blowing up people, that is bad. The second step is to let of the fear that plagues us. There is nothing to be afraid of, if you lose you learn, and if you don’t isn’t that the goal? My own plan had always been to write, whether you find this good or bad I have written and that is worth it. There is no need of fear as following your passion is a thrill which breaks your fear. The fruition of a dream is a success in itself and criticism is just the road ahead.

Follow that dream, ignore the fears, and remember there is nothing better than to have lived different and unique and have it be remembered. After all the only thing we live behind is a legacy, would you want it to be handmade or store bought?



Sathyaghan Iyer
Mindful Writing

Student, techie, geek, bookworm, amateur photographer.....more to be added soon