When You Feel Like Giving Up — Celebrate Instead
Harvest the Power of Your Brain to Produce Dopamine & Be Your Own Motivation Booster
You are taking steps towards your vision. You are planting the right seeds. But you have yet to see a sprout pushing through the soil. It’s easy to feel like abandoning your vision altogether. Perhaps your idea is not as good as you thought..perhaps it won’t have the impact you hoped for.
Or perhaps it’s time to acknowledge that some of the world’s greatest ideas have taken years or even decades to blossom.
Between the idea and its manifestation, there is always a series of steps. Every step in the direction of your vision counts.
In moments when you feel like giving up, celebrate the last step you took. Acknowledge yourself for having the courage to start, even if you still have miles to go. Honor yourself for experimenting and for learning through mistakes.
Without clumsily falling hundreds of times as a baby, you wouldn’t have learned how to find your balance and walk. Nobody was mad at you for taking the time to learn and master this skill — they were proud of every single step you took.