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Jim Carrey explains Depression in the Best Way I’ve ever Heard.
Jim Carrey talks about his battle with depression. He explains just how tough suffering from depression can be, and how finding freedom from depression is tied to separating from the ego.
When I think of a great Buddhist teacher, Jim Carrey isn’t the first to come to mind. But wow. The now heavily-bearded actor, who recently created quite a buzz when he made an interviewer super uncomfortable on the red carpet, has some pretty profound things to say about this complicated, fun, difficult, and beautiful thing we call the human experience:
Carrey shares the startling realization he came to after years of fame: it’s totally pointless to spend our whole lives creating and curating some specific identity for ourselves.
This is all ego: desiring to be important, to be someone, to matter. In reality, this grasping at a singular identity brings us only pain and suffering, for three main reasons. One, it…