Why we Choose those who Don’t Choose Us.

Elephant Journal
Mindful Love, Loss, & Lust
4 min readApr 11, 2024


Love is a choice.

I’m convinced that a profound conviction lies beyond emotions, sexuality, and attraction. Not only that we love who we love, but also that we choose to do so.

However, we oftentimes find ourselves choosing people who don’t choose us back. How often have we obsessed about someone who rejected us? How many times have we tried to make a relationship happen with a person who doesn’t want it to work? Or with a person who is already committed to someone else?

What about the crush who doesn’t like us back? Or the ex who broke our heart but we still tried to reconcile?

How frequently do we tend to fall for the “bad guy” or “bad girl”? And how many times have we called that pursuit a “sexy challenge”?

Even in marriages and relationships, this form of partial choice might be present. Our spouse might temporarily not choose us by giving us inadequate attention or validation.

Experiences differ, but the outcome is similar. We end up feeling unworthy of love, insecure, disappointed, and broken. Weirdly enough, we tend to repeat the same pattern over and over again with completely different people.

I know it’s distressing — I’ve relived a certain pattern myself for numerous years. But I also know in this…



Elephant Journal
Mindful Love, Loss, & Lust

Elephant is an independent, mindful media dedicated to sharing the good life beyond the choir, and to all those who didn’t yet know they give a care.