Exploring Silence


Photo by Rick Medlen on Unsplash

The silence of breath, at dawn, of a lover’s moment, being held.
A silence of familiarity, of deep enduring love and contentment.
The only bliss needed for a whole day ahead, the pulse in your neck,
your life. Just this silence says it all,
a baby sleeping peacefully in your arms.

The silence of a full moon in winter, icy frost in the air,
certain death of those caught out, the harsh cruelty of winters grasp
the loss of breath, frozen vapours subside
as the weary homeless man releases his last gasp.

The silence of a beach empty of people and populated
only by the sea itself, which is never still,
holding silence within its rhythms, it pulses.

Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

The silence of a flower opening in the early morning sun.
of joy in being alone for a moment,
being mindfully alive to all around you, undistracted,
uninterrupted by the noises of another,
of a forest filled with whispering trees and rising sap.
The silence of a tiny blue egg cracking open as a baby robin is born,
of sunlight…



Sylvia Clare MSc. Psychol, mindfulness teacher
Mindfully Speaking

mindfulness essayist, poet, advocate for mental health and compassionate living, author of ‘No Visible Injuries’, ‘Living Well and Loving ADHD’ and many others