From Pain to Awareness: All About Yin Yoga

Sneha Christall
Mindfully Speaking
Published in
6 min readNov 8, 2023


Image courtesy Unsplash

I used to dread Fridays. In fact, who am I kidding, I sometimes still do. Fridays at my Yoga class are reserved for Yin Yoga sessions, a particular school of Yoga that emphasizes holding traditional Asanas (yoga poses) for longer than usual. It is considered to be both a meditative and a deep stretching practise. But at first glance, it seems to be nothing more than an exercise in torture, without any of the calorie-burning aftereffects of other workouts.

In this blog, I’ll share with you the lowdown of Yin Yoga, its origins, philosophy, mental & physical benefits, as well as best practices — based on my personal experience, conversations with my Yoga teachers and online resources.

So, What is Yin Yoga?

Yin Yoga is a slow-paced variation of traditional Yoga, that blends Chinese medicine principles with asanas that are held for longer durations of time such as 3–7 minutes. Such sequences and durations of asanas are said to stimulate certain points in the body known as ‘meridians’ in Chinese medicine, or ‘nadis’ in Hatha Yoga.

By applying light to moderate pressure on the connective tissues of the body — the tendons, fasciae, and ligaments, this school of Yoga helps increase joint circulation and flexibility. On a meditative plane, it helps instill inner awareness and a sense of…



Sneha Christall
Mindfully Speaking

Wanderer, memory collector. Writer for A Little Bit Better, Be Yourself, Change Becomes You, Hello, Love, Mindfully Speaking and On the Couch.