How to Treat OCD With Simple Meditation Techniques

Relief is one mindful breath away

Michelle Marie Warner
Mindfully Speaking


Photo by StockSnap on Pixabay

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder affects 2.2 million people in the US.

We often suffer in silence, triggered by unusual events and circumstances. Stressful situations can elicit symptoms. OCD manifests in myriad ways, including obsessive thoughts, compulsive checking, skin picking, and more.

Many have tried medication to find relief. Sometimes the disorder fades out in time. I’m one of the lucky ones. I don’t take meds anymore, and OCD symptoms rarely surface.

A few factors helped me improve. I stopped drinking and using drugs in 2003, and I’ve had a daily meditation practice since 2005. Most days, I don’t remember I have the diagnosis. Every so often, I’m reminded of my OCD.

I woke up feeling a little off-center today.

I’m not sure why some days are like this. I only know the comforter stuffing bothered me when I made the bed. It’s old and rolled up under the cloth. I can’t fix it. I knew I’d feel it later when I sat for meditation.

I’m staying at my parents’ house with my two young children. I went into their room and found toys strewn about. I felt an immediate urge to clean and…



Michelle Marie Warner
Mindfully Speaking

Writer of all things personal, socially conscious, sensitive AF, single LGBTQIA+ mom. Ready to bite off more than I've been chewing.