How Yoga and Quantum Physics Can Heal Your Brain

Science Confirms: When we feel better, we observe better and our brain gets better.

Jim Moore
Mindfully Speaking
Published in
4 min readJul 10, 2023


Altering ‘The Observer Effect’ With Meditation After Yoga (image by author)

I began practicing yoga for stress relief, but then… I realized that suddenly, had a practical quantum physics experiment I could try!

Observing The Observer

Quantum physics says that the mere act of observing an event can alter the event. It’s known as ‘the observer effect’.

Our perception is also influenced by our emotional state.

Thus, the effect we have on the world also depends on our perception of the events as we are observing them.

To Wire? Or Not To Wire?

Scientific findings have shown that our thoughts can alter the neural pathways in our brain. Through intentional thought, we have the capacity to rewire our brain.

This transformation in the brain consequently shifts our perception of the world.

Yoga can modify our emotional state, subsequently altering our perceptions, altering the effects we have on what we observe.

When we practice emotional rehearsal meditations after yoga, we can alter the neural patterns in our brain and thus we change the effects that…



Jim Moore
Mindfully Speaking

Author, Editor for LearnAIforProfit - Teaching Yoga Instructors use AI Tools To Earn Passive Income. I Help People Heal and Thrive.