My Obituary
Or whatever you read at a celebration of life and death.
So, what do you want to know about me that you haven’t already read in my numerous books and memoirs. I mean if you’re here I hope you read them. All of them.
What else about me? I liked writing, does it show?
Ask David, or Ben, or Matt. They all knew me well enough but they’ll all tell you something different won’t they?
Ask my closest friends, you know who you are don’t you? Well you should, I told you I loved you enough times. You know me, honest, blunt, direct. I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true. You already know that about me too.
But just remember this — life is only stories. All of it. Even the moment you are living through right now, however you recall it. The stories we tell ourselves or tell other people about ourselves, or tell ourselves about other people. See if they line up.
Share your stories about who I was and see if there is any correlation between them. Only that way you might get a glimpse into who I was.
But we rarely really know each other through and through — we only know them in relationship to our self.
If I loved you then I was probably fairly easy going but if not then it is likely I struggled with you too.