Overwrite Your Limiting Beliefs

On choosing the thoughts that serve you.

Lance Baker
Mindfully Speaking


Photo by Kid Circus on Unsplash

I recognize that I have limiting beliefs and patterns of thinking that hold me back. It is one thing to identify and become aware of those beliefs. It is another thing to be able to move beyond them.

I’ve made improvements in some areas but still struggle in others. While there is certainly no one answer, I have noticed a pattern in the areas where I’ve seen improvements versus the areas I have not. The areas I’ve grown the most are the areas where I’ve been able to create a new vision for myself.

In other words, I started focusing more on what I wanted to be rather than what I didn’t want to be. When I’ve experienced growth, it was because I was more oriented toward what I was becoming rather than what I wanted to get rid of.

This certainly is not an argument for ignorance or denial. We need to identify, become aware of, and name those things that hold us back. But the way forward isn’t to ruminate over those things, it is to create a new vision for yourself that counteracts them.

In Psycho-Cybernetics Maxwell Maltz writes:

The self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment. It defines what you can and cannot do. Expand the self-image and you expand the “area of the possible.” The…



Lance Baker
Mindfully Speaking

A fellow observer on the journey through life. Trying to cultivate a deeper way of being in the world.