
Ann Litts
Mindfully Speaking
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2020


Corpse Pose — The Pause

Photo by Anton Shuvalov on Unsplash

For years I attended yoga classes. Every so often there would exist individuals in class who left in the transition between an active practice and the closing posture of Savasana.

Yoga ALWAYS ends with Corpse Pose.

It seemed rather counterproductive to me. To spend an hour or more moving through a yoga sequence — stretching and focusing on The Now — just to pack up and hurry off to Real Life prior to finishing.

For me — skipping Savasana was tantamount to passing on dessert. The yummiest part is the end.

Savasana has so many things to teach us. But the nothingness of complete relaxation is a formidable obstacle to overcome. Corpse Pose earns its name. While lying in stillness — we can glimpse our own mortality. We can meld with The Universe. We can breathe out our tension and breathe in our peace.

We can learn to let go. Let. It. All. Go. — All. The. Things. — In. All. The. Ways.

But that level of bliss is not for the faint of heart. In Corpse Pose we face The Death of what the world tells us is vital. We embrace Being over Doing. We understand that Death is not an enemy but a blessed rest.

Some folks just can’t hang around for those lessons. Their yoga practice got them all warmed up. And now, they have places to go, things…

