Shedding Off the Fierce Skin

A Story about Connection Not Attachment

Allison Noble
Mindfully Speaking


Photo by Erik Brolin on Unsplash

“Connection Not Attachment” said Nicole the blonde, tattooed and perfectly sculpted yoga instructor in my hot yoga class. I don’t know why, but during this particular class, she kept repeating this phrase, over and over again.

“Connection Not Attachment.”

This was about a year ago, at my beginning stage where I was started to become more serious about my yoga practice.

I let the words resonate within me but also couldn’t help but wonder why she was repeated it so often. At the time, within those few microseconds of analyzing the phrase, I took it to mean that in relationships, you are connected to people, but you can’t attach yourself. Meaning you can’t control their actions so really no need to have expectations. Be grateful for your connections to people but don’t allow them to consume your mood with their actions.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was only partially right.

In fact, it now took an entire year for me to be back in that same yoga classroom, where I experienced a deeper meaning of “connection not attachment”.



Allison Noble
Mindfully Speaking

Sitting Still in Nature Makes me Feel the Most Alive. I write about nature to remind others that WE are nature. We’re drawn to wild areas, lets protect it.