Poetry | Solitude | Life lesson

Solitude’s Dance: A Tale of Shadows and Light

Threads of isolation, webs of belonging

Sam Letterwood
Mindfully Speaking


A casette and its shadow
Photo by henry perks on Unsplash

In the hushed nooks of my existence,
I create a bubble, my own retreat,
Where hours disappear, and I find
Peace and calm, a mindful seat.

Among incredible souls, I wander,
Yet in solitude, I find my grace,
A sanctuary in moments alone,
Until the bubble tightens, embracing space.

Why does it become so easy to withdraw?
To weave a cocoon, away from the living air,
As my world shrinks, interactions thin,
Bleaker shadows cast, a self-imposed snare.

In the dance of silent self-care,
Destructive isolation claws its way,
Through the walls I build for peace,
Regardless of how well my mind may stay.

In this paradox, my mental health sways,
A feedback loop, a silent, lonely plight,
Yet our survival echoes in shared moments,
Generational traits, a collective light.

Built for ease, this life I lead,
Yet the need for human touch remains,
Entertainment floods, replacing bonds,
Isolation’s allure, the mind’s subtle chains.

Step by step, I grasp the truth,
The sun shines brighter in shared delight,
Escaping my mental bubble’s grasp,
I see the beauty in the human light.

Though solitude feels like a comforting friend,
Each day unfolds with the beauty of kin,
The warmth of connection, a healing balm,
Adrift in seclusion, but in companionship, I win.

© Sam Letterwood 2023. All Rights Reserved.

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Sam Letterwood
Mindfully Speaking

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner