

We are looking for original pieces with strong links to a spiritual basis for living. We especially want mindfulness, yoga, spirituality, and psychologies relating to these. We welcome new writers.

To be added as a writer please contact Sylvia Clare MSc. Psychol, or David Hughes to have any new submission reviewed. Or you can email or with a link to a suitable draft. Please note we do not want pop psychology or lists of how to get rich and famous. That is not our approach to life.

If the submission meets the publication’s requirements, you will be added as a writer. You may then submit your work to the publication for consideration. We endeavor to publish within twenty-four hours of submission. Sometimes life gets in the way though.


Choose tags that coincide with our categories so that your pieces can be found easily for people wanting to find specific topics.


Each piece should be accompanied by a properly credited photo.

Please make sure your pieces are new for us and have not been published previously.

If you want to write for us, please make sure you have fact-checked and followed all Medium requirements for references and links.



Sylvia Clare MSc. Psychol, mindfulness teacher
Mindfully Speaking

mindfulness essayist, poet, advocate for mental health and compassionate living, author of ‘No Visible Injuries’, ‘Living Well and Loving ADHD’ and many others