Virtual Yoga

Alternatives to flying solo

Ann Litts
Mindfully Speaking


Photo by Zen Bear Yoga on Unsplash

The need for connection drives us. In All. The. Things. We are herd animals — Humans. We school, we nest, we gather. We form packs, tribes, and communities.

The community surrounding a yogini provides more than just other warm bodies in the studio space. Sharing a yoga practice is somewhat like attending church. You come together to see The Divine — in each other and in yourself. With gratitude and peace. Without the reflection of other yogis on a regular, this can be a challenge.

I love my yoga studio. The place has a vibe. Sacred space. The Humans — the owners, the teachers, my fellow students — they all bring presence to each class. It is here I find community and communion with The Divine.

In the past, I tried yoga DVDs, youTube yoga, etc — but I never enjoyed the instruction. I would much rather design my own sequence based on what my body needed at the moment. With over twenty years of practice under my belt, I understand this better than the teachers on mass media with their one size fits all programs.

And they also lacked that glorious taste of The Divine.

In light of the closures and shelter-in-place orders which are now our new reality, I’ve wondered about taking some classes my studio and teachers are offering on-line.

