What Is Devotion?

A short and practical exploration

Luan Hassett
Mindfully Speaking


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

True devotion is unaware of itself.

Truth is that which cannot be further divided.

“I think, therefore I am” is indivisible. If Awareness was an illusion, the existence of the illusion would prove Awareness. That is all.

Any object — a ball, a door — requires an assumption and is therefore not indivisible.


If I practice a craft (it could be anything — writing, painting, plumbing) and I think to myself “I sure am devoted to this,” then I’m not devoted. The self-image represents an ulterior motive, an extraction from the craft, a gap between mind and craft which must be filled.

If I make a conscious attempt to be humble, then I’m not humble. If I practice humility out of a sense of morality or decorum, again there is a gap between me and the state of humility which I fill with the invented idea of Proper Behavior.

Wherever there is a gap, the behavior is being done as a means to an end: the end of answering the mind’s question, “what kind of person am I?”

There’s nothing wrong or right about this. It is just that “kind of person” is an invented idea. Therefore, Life has no ability to give the answer a human wants. It has no ability to fill…

