Life Lessons I’d Share with My Sons If Only They’d Listen

I’m gonna rant anyway!

AM Costanzo
mindfully yours


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Day 1 is a good day to start anything. Following your gut is another good thing to begin doing. Trusting yourself is also great.

Begin. Use intuition. Trust. Yourself and the process.

Take a break when needed. Refocus. Reframe if you have to. Use time. Use a lot of time. Use as much time as you can.

Don’t worry about time. Be here. Always be here. Dabble in the “here and there” as infrequently as possible. Don’t stay “there”.

Refuse to repeat the past. Do better. You know better. Be fearless. Or be fearful and move anyway. Stop doubting.

Experiment. Be fearless in your experiments.

Never assume. Never ever assume. Someone’s “here” will always be different than your “here”.

Follow your bliss. Follow your bliss. Hard work isn’t always the answer. It hardly ever is. Bliss is the easier path. Bliss can come in all forms.

Question what you “know”. Question your perception. Filter less. Experience more. Compartmentalize when you need to focus. Focus on one thing at a time.

Relax your shoulders. Use time. Use a lot of it. Keep a clock to keep appointments. Use a clock less. Feel the…



AM Costanzo
mindfully yours

Accountant turned Graphic Designer turned Personal Trainer turned Writer. I write about wellness, mindfulness, fitness and doing that thing that lights you up!