A Mixed Message is THE Message

Angela Meredith


Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as receiving mixed messages in relationships. It can be hot then cold, yes then no, full steam ahead and then full stop, or more subtle. Perhaps the mixed message shows up as a partner being attentive when you’re together and then silent when you’re apart. Maybe it’s the boss who praises your work and then doesn’t give you a chance on bigger projects or the friend who is on-again/off-again in her interest in your life. When it’s good, it’s damn good but then something shifts and the person is absent, distant, or unavailable. The feeling of connection or shared positive regard is lost or weakened, and you’re left wondering, what the hell is going on?

The mixed message speaks volumes about the person giving it, but it’s not about your flaws or shortcomings.

Are we in this, or not? Is what we shared and agreed to real and meaningful to the other person? Am I being strung along? Yes. You are. You’re absolutely being strung along, though it may not be intentional or malicious.

The thing about the mixed message that’s important to know upfront and to remind yourself of frequently is that it’s not about you. The mixed message speaks volumes about the person giving it, but it’s not about your flaws or shortcomings. We all have them, no…

