How to Win at Parenting After Divorce

Angela Meredith


Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

If parenting after divorce takes you out of your depth and leaves you feeling a little lost, then you’re right on track. Divorce is obviously a huge life change for all involved. It only makes sense that it takes time to find your footing as a parent in this new phase of life. I know this because I’m right there with you. My marriage of 13 years ended in divorce five years ago. I’m also a child of divorce, so I’ve been through this from more than one vantage point.

Both of my parents have been married and divorced multiple times. In my childhood, divorce was a force of destruction that left my family in pieces and created lingering instability. Those weren’t fun times, but what I learned from watching my parents stumble, fall, and get back up helped me navigate my own divorce and relate to my kids first hand, and for that I am grateful.

Even still, I’ve made a few mistakes of my own along the way. Each time I screw it up, I reassess my approach and thinking in an effort to get really clear about what parenting strategies are most effective when raising kids after divorce. My parents did the best they could given what they knew and what they had to work with. It’s my goal to do the same. I just happen to have more experience and an endless source of information at my fingertips. So far, this is what I’ve learned:

