The #1 “Growth Hack” For Getting Free Traffic to Your Website (Do “This” for 30 Days)

Ian Hollander
Published in
1 min readMar 15, 2018

Youtube is an amazing way to generate an avalanche of eyeballs and unending free traffic to your site, service, product, program, blog, brand, or business……and, on a bootstrap budget to boot.

This youtube marketing strategy is dead simple to implement, requires no tools or tech stack, takes me less than 20 minutes a day (if that) and has generated tens of thousands of hyper niche specific views — and thousands of clicks to my content, courses and consulting pages — with absolutely NO optimization — no planning — no overarching “big idea” — it’s just me, sharing some results in a hyper casual, unscripted way.

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Ian Hollander

Occasional thoughts about mindfulness, marketing & Mojo