Do Not Instagram This Moment.

Because the thought won’t even cross your mind.

Thomas N. Lowe
2 min readDec 18, 2013

It’s a normal Wednesday morning for you. You leave your home and walk the same street that you walk down every morning. You take the same right turn and begin to approach the same underground train station you walk to every morning. You have all the ingredients for a familiar start to the day, but this time there’s a twist.

Today, you decide to look up at the sky. You notice the dark midnight blue colour is slowly being hugged by the sun’s arms as it creeps through the bedsheets of the horizon. A smile emerges on your face as you relearn to appreciate such simple beauty again.

Almost instantaneously, your attention is claimed by the tree you walk past on schedule every morning without fail. The light of the street lamp behind it creates a silhouette and adds new brush strokes to the canvas of deep blues that first grabbed your attention, building upon your awe. The simple beauty grows complex yet your feelings for it all still remains uncomplicated.

It’s in these short 10 seconds that remind you once more how beautiful everything truly is, from the simple lighting effect that blends a man-made invention with the earth’s inherited sculptures, to the heavy footsteps of others marching past you, taking part in the same morning ritual as you do.

You remember how connected you are with all these sensory pleasures and how your troubles are, in reality, somewhat unimportant.

Your smile grows and your eyes water modestly as you feel a childish peace that reminds you to be grateful of everything that you have access to.

As you walk for another 37 seconds towards the underground station you let this feeling linger for a while. Suddenly you see your train rush across the overpass in front of you and the feeling has returned back to it’s warren as your thoughts return and you forget your simple existence… until next time.

You did not write about this moment as it happened nor did you take a picture to share with strangers and massage some sort of self-important urge because you did not think to do so — you didn't think of anything at all.

Thought was absent and all that was left was attention and awareness, and it was blissful.

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