Dialectic Two-Step — Have Smartphones Made Us Happier?

Andrew Furst
Mindfulness and Meditation
1 min readApr 2, 2015

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Have Smartphones and Social Media Made People Happier?

I would argue that if we look for happiness in smartphones, we’re doing it wrong. Happiness — a temporary thing — can come in two ways:

  1. The world lines up with our preferences (we get what we want or we avoid what we don’t want). How often does this happen?
  2. We line up with the way the world is (we acknowledge that things don’t always work out the way we want and recognize that we can have a meaningful life if we avoid wallowing in disappointment)

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Originally published at www.andrewfurst.net on March 16, 2015.



Andrew Furst
Mindfulness and Meditation

Author, Meditation Teacher, Buddhist blogger, yogi, backup guitarist for his teenage boys, a lucky husband, and a software guy