One Minute Meditation

Andrew Furst
Mindfulness and Meditation
2 min readSep 1, 2015


Hidden Corner Cascade

Welcome to another in this series of one minute meditations. I’ve been producing these for a few years now and it just occurred to me that I haven’t provided a general introduction for newcomers recently.

So if you’ve only recently discovered this series, here’s a run down. If you’re a veteran, you know why you’re here. Head on down to enjoy the 60 seconds of meditation you’re looking for.

These videos are produced for those of us who spend an inordinately large amount of time in the cyber-world. They are not a substitute for unplugging from your devices and taking a stroll near trees, water, or a patch of unkempt grass. Getting out into the world — touching, smelling, hearing, and seeing nature is the best way to reconnect with our prime purpose.

What is our prime purpose? We are feeling and sensing machines. We are the universe looking back on itself. We are witness to the wonders and dangers of living in this corner of the cosmos. We are the seekers looking for connection a little further beyond yesterday’s borders and boundaries.

But sitting and staring at the screen robs us of the sustenance that we rely upon for wonder and sanity. These videos are an opportunity to bring the sensations of nature to you, while you’re in the cyber-world. Its an opportunity to relax your gaze, resettle your posture, and regain some depth in your breath. Listen and watch the video and allow your self to open up and recharge.

Hidden Corner Cascade

One Minute Meditations is an ongoing series of short videos, poems, and commentary intended as a meditation. Offered as an opportunity to step back from your cyber routine and settle into a more natural rhythm, if only for a minute.

If you liked this piece, please take a moment to recommend it!

Andrew Furst is an author, meditation teacher, buddhist blogger, poet,@ellozen curator, photographer, artist, & technologist.

He writes daily on

Originally published at on May 30, 2015.



Andrew Furst
Mindfulness and Meditation

Author, Meditation Teacher, Buddhist blogger, yogi, backup guitarist for his teenage boys, a lucky husband, and a software guy