2 Stories of Ragging — I was involved in both

“However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?” ~Buddha

Isura Silva
Mindfulness Journal
2 min readMay 8, 2016



I was starting A/L education in Mahinda college in Galle. We got to know that about 7 students from outside schools would join our class. They have performed well in O/L in their schools, so they had been selected to our school. We were told, that we should ‘Rag’ them, so that they will respect our traditions and be ‘one of us.’

I was not quite sure. But I had to rag them. I remember asking them to stand up and go around in circles. I remember asking them to stand on desks and sing songs. They were really silly things, not the physical torture I hear on news channels. But deep down, I felt very wrong. I remember their eyes — in an alien place surrounded by new faces asked to do silly things.

On the third day I quit. They were an innocent bunch of boys of my age from outskirts of Galle. They could be having many life struggles. Why am I doing this ? Luckily my friends also thought the same. I remember I went to them and said ‘sorry’. Yes, I said sorry. They became my friends. For the next 2 years I helped them to study. They learned well, which was what they were supposed to do.


I was starting my education at University of Moratuwa. We were released to know that there’s no ragging in this university. But Karma has it’s own way, I was ragged in 3 occasions. Not physical, but more of bullying. I was happy it was not extreme. But something changed me forever.

Few seniors came in to rescue us. They confronted the bad guys and let us go. It was a ‘Robin Hood’ moment. On my way back to my boarding place, I remembered 1997. I felt ashamed. We made sure our juniors will not be subject to ragging the next year. That’s how Uni of Moratuwa became a safe zone. If not for the work of those good seniors, we would have been a part of that vicious cycle.

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Isura Silva
Mindfulness Journal

Business Consultant and Performance Coach on Digital Transformation