Getting out of the routine ( Reflective weekend)

Isura Silva
Mindfulness Journal
2 min readMay 8, 2016

I thought long and hard. I reflected on many lives I interact and me.

I have this amazing opportunity in my line of work to interact with people from many walks of life. Though it is exciting, sometimes I get so frustrated, that I just want to be alone. It’s how life is. In those moments, practicing mindfulness, especially meditation, is life saving.

There are many complexities I have to navigate in order to do my work. At end of each day I wonder — “Am I doing enough change to positively impact the communities I engage ?”

Many times, the answer is not so encouraging. Friends tell me just let it go. But sometimes I feel guilty for not letting lose my ideas in the face of resistance. Because all things — good or bad- starts in our minds. If I reflect and alter my thinking , if I get out of the loop of routines, I find thoughts that seems crazy, but if I hang on to it long enough, things start to look different. Thoughts are easy, putting in to practice is not. Like in cooking, thoughts also need marinating. They need enough time to grow through the resistance of outside and most of time from my self.

I am so happy I set aside good few hours this weekend to do that. Asking very tough questions about my life and communities I interact. Self reflection is not an easy task. It takes quality time and ability to ask tough questions and have the patience to answer them honestly.



Isura Silva
Mindfulness Journal

Business Consultant and Performance Coach on Digital Transformation