I did not do it. So what ?

Isura Silva
Mindfulness Journal
1 min readJun 11, 2016

Few days back I was accused of doing something I actually did not do.

The moment I heard the statement I clarified to check if what I heard was what I feared it was. It was.

I mentioned I had nothing to do with it. Then the accusation was tuned with reasonable justification that even I was starting to believe in it :)

That’s what it is. Isn’t it ?

The more I try to convince I’m not, the more It seems like I did it.

What a bad spot to be.

I Wanted peace, because I knew there’s no way out. What if I could let go ? What if I could walk away ?

I walked away, but the statement did not leave me alone.

I had to work about one hour practicing letting go. It was like erasing a word written in ink. But when it was finally over, I achieved many things. No arguments, no resentment , no grudges, and finally peace.

2 days later, I don’t think that person remember what he said. So why should I keep that in my mind?




Isura Silva
Mindfulness Journal

Business Consultant and Performance Coach on Digital Transformation