10x Your Life By Learning to Calm Your Mind -You Can Do This in Stressful Times

A calm mind can see things objectively.

Norah Kisera
Mindfulness Matters
7 min readSep 7, 2021


Photo By Monica Turlui on Pixels

We all face challenging situations. What determines our different outcome is the level of consciousness with which we experience the situation.

As humans beings, our stress responses are activated even when there is no apparent danger.

The evolution of our stress responses has made us to be on sympathetic over-drive and this has adversely affected our health.

How we judge whether a situation is worth turning “on” the flight or fight response varies from individuals to individuals.

For most of us, the stress button is predominantly switched on. Imagine a car engine that is always on. That’s how our stress reactions are more often than not.

Having the stress hormone switched on most of our waking time takes a toll on us.

Some of the problems that may arise when our stress response is working overtime are strained immunity, susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases, the experience of memory loss, strained social relationships, diabetes, ageing, obesity just to name but a few.

The good news is that when we learn to calm down our minds when facing everyday challenges then…

