20 Brilliant Pieces of Advice From Dan Millman

Be present, and you will realize it is all perfect.

Norah Kisera
Mindfulness Matters
3 min readJan 13, 2022


Photo By Annie Spratt on Unsplash

My journey to mindful living started when I came across The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman.

Dan was at the peak of his gymnastic career when he shattered his leg in a motorcycle accident. He met Socrates during this trying moment, and his life was never the same again.

Here are 20 brilliant pieces of advice that I picked from his book:

  • Plans are useful but don’t get attached to them. Life is full of surprises so be open-minded.
  • There are no ordinary moments. You need to remove the trash that is blocking you from experiencing the only moment that matters- the present.
  • Use your daily activities to help you practice your presence muscle. Gelong Thumbten calls these mindfulness micro-moments.
  • Be comfortable with not knowing. Learn to be okay with saying I don't know.
  • The people who are hardest to love are the ones who need the most love.
  • You will never be better, the same way you will never be less than anybody else. Appreciate others, be kind and compassionate, and don't let anyone belittle you.
  • Our habits determine the quality of our lives. Be conscious…

