How and why I started meditating with my kids

Sara Cole
Mindfulness Matters
3 min read5 days ago

My kids have big emotions, and I’m always looking for new ways to make our house peaceful and help my children thrive. I discovered meditation almost by fluke when a friend offhandedly recommended it. This simple suggestion transformed our lives, offering us a path to greater calm and emotional balance.

Introducing Meditation to My Kids

The idea of getting my energetic kids to sit still and meditate seemed daunting. But with some creativity and patience, I found a way to make it engaging and fun. Here’s how we began our meditation journey:

  • Setting the Scene: We chose a quiet, comfortable spot in our home where we could sit together without distractions. Sometimes, we’d even create a little meditation corner with cushions and soft lighting.
  • Using Guided Meditations: There are lots of meditation apps out there, many of which are really wonderful. I found Mini Meditators worked best for us because the meditations were short and the app starts with getting kids to identify emotions.
  • Making It Fun: We treated meditation like a game. We’d sit in a circle, close our eyes, and follow our breaths. I’d use simple, playful language to guide them: “Imagine you’re a balloon, filling up with air as you breathe in and slowly letting it out as you breathe out.”
  • Short and Sweet: We started with just a few minutes each day. The key was consistency, not duration. Gradually, as they became more comfortable, we extended the sessions.

Starting with Identifying Emotions

Starting with identifying emotions is really one of the things I’ve found to be most important for my kids for a few different reasons.

In the middle of a tantrum when emotions are running high, calmly saying “Who wants to do a meditation?” just gets screams in response from my kids. However, opening up the app, pointing to an emoji and saying, “I feel angry,” engaged them. They respond by pointing to how they are feeling, and then together we can pick a meditation to really bring the level down.

Once they identified their emotions, the meditations in the app linked those feelings to their breath. If someone felt angry, we’d practice taking slow, deep breaths to calm down. If they felt happy, we’d take light, easy breaths to savor the moment.

Simple visualizations also really help with kids, like imagining a peaceful place or a favorite activity. These visualizations made the meditation sessions more engaging and relatable.

The Benefits of Family Meditation

Meditating with my kids has brought us closer together as a family. It’s a shared experience that fosters a sense of connection and understanding. Here are some of the benefits we’ve experienced:

  • Improved Emotional Regulation: Meditation has helped my kids learn to manage their emotions. They’re better equipped to handle frustrations and setbacks, both at home and at school.
  • Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Our meditation practice has improved their ability to concentrate on tasks, whether it’s homework or a creative project.
  • Better Sleep: Just like for me, meditation has helped my kids relax and unwind before bedtime, leading to better sleep.
  • Strengthened Bond: The time we spend meditating together is a special bonding experience. It’s a moment of calm and connection amidst the chaos of daily life.

Encouraging Consistency

The key to making meditation a lasting practice is consistency. We’ve made it a part of our daily routine, just like brushing our teeth or reading a bedtime story. Some days are easier than others, but we always make the effort to sit together, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Starting a meditation practice with my kids has really been one of the most rewarding decisions I’ve ever made. It’s a journey that’s brought us closer together and equipped us with tools to navigate the ups and downs of life. If you’re considering introducing meditation to your family, I encourage you to take the plunge. Start small, make it fun, and enjoy the process. The benefits will ripple through your lives in ways you can’t even imagine.

Happy meditating! Happy parenting!



Sara Cole
Mindfulness Matters

Director of Marketing at Focused on improving apps through ASO, mobile marketing, product, engagement and other buzz words.