Photo Credit: Spiritualify

Inborn Traits

Girish Borkar
Mindfulness Matters
3 min readSep 30, 2021


When we take birth, we are born with a lot of baggage from the previous birth — these are our inborn traits, impressions from actions of those births which have yet to be worked out. These could be physical or emotional — take love for instance. One falls in love at first sight — is this love for the physical appearance, the visual beauty or is it something else? Our parents, grand-parents always told us that we got married and then love happened, and the contrary also is true love happened and that’s why we got married! Though such love stories today more often than not end up in separation.

The attraction of the outer form or physical appearance, attraction to the spoken word or skill with words are all part of the illusion of life to which one gets pulled into and then one gets lost in that illusion, till one is drawn out of that illusion and set on the correct path again. For this to happen one needs a teacher or guide or spiritual master or Guru who can show you the way out of this never-ending web of illusion. We are so often attracted to the physical beauty, the outward appearance without having a clue as to what that person really is — is the person beautiful from outside and dark within or vice-versa! One cannot make that judgement call without actually coming to know the person.

Attraction towards people, physical appearance and knowledge all are drawing you outward and away from your core being. Even ‘knowledge’ which we acquire from books is just information which we cram into our brain. The more our brain is cluttered with useless information the greater the time it takes to empty it of those impressions. Once we start meditating under the guidance of our spiritual guide or Guru, we start turning inwards. This is when we realise that all this while the people we met, the physical attractions and the information gathered from various books, courses etc are nothing but barriers to progressing inwards. It does not mean that it is not useful — it definitely is useful because without that we will not be able to fulfill our worldly responsibilities and duties. The Guru teaches us to separate the two lives through detachment — we live our worldly life without any attachment and continue our inward journey with single minded focus.

The deeper we go, the more detached we become as we start seeing and recognising our inborn traits, by witnessing them we learn to conquer them. We start living in the material world without attachment and suddenly realise that all our actions are having a positive result — accept such results as His Grace and do not let the ego take over — by doing this you will save yourself from falling. Our life becomes full of bliss and happiness, relations improve and people start getting attracted to you — even those who avoided you.



Girish Borkar
Mindfulness Matters

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude