Photo Credit: Readbeach | Uncertainty Quotes

Life is Uncertain

Girish Borkar
Mindfulness Matters
2 min readOct 24, 2021


If life had a monotonous quality to it then we would all most certainly have gotten bored to death! The beauty of life is that it is uncertain. If you look back at 2020. who would have guessed that a virus which is 1000 times smaller in diameter than a human hair would have brought the whole world down to its knees! Our best laid plans for that year went out of the window with a whooooshhhhhhhhh! Things we think that should happen — often do not and those that shouldn’t happen, do happen. This is the uncertainty of life — and the good thing about it is that it teaches us patience and provides us with the ability to become better at dealing with — guess what — uncertainties! Lolz!

If you look back at evolution — we have come a long way from the cave man — our genetic features have changed over centuries and our souls have survived multiple shocks and succeeded over thousands of years and here we are today mindful of the past and completely unaware of the future! Uncertainty in many cases leads to stress and to manage stress we resort to exercises to make the body and mind stronger, and in the process, we gain the ability to take more physical stress. For managing mental stress, we usually try vacations in hill resorts, beach resorts etc, but wherever we go our mind goes with us — so also the stress. We may get temporary relief, but a more lasting relief is possible through meditation and mindfulness practises.

We live in a world of instant gratification and comfort. We want things yesterday and get upset if things don’t happen the way we want them to — life’s uncertainties you see! The best way to manage this is by ensuring that we do not depend on others or other things for our happiness. We need to learn to be happy with just our self. If we can be happy and content with our own self, then we gain the ability to manage anything that life throws at us — that is the beauty of being at peace with yourself.

When this happens nothing that life throws at you will upset you — you know that it is just a part of the universal plan for you as a person. A higher perspective of life which you gain through meditation, gives you the realisation that this whole life is a mirage and we are just actors on God’s stage. We play our roles and once our time is up, we just move on.



Girish Borkar
Mindfulness Matters

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude