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Maintaining Balance in Adverse Times

Girish Borkar
Mindfulness Matters
3 min readJan 13, 2022


The coming six months are going to be very tough — political situation-wise, natural disaster-wise and while also considering the ongoing pandemic. We may see limited cold wars or short battles between nations as countries try to flex their muscle to get out of sticky political messes in their own countries. What better way to divert attention than to start a war?

I am sure these days too shall pass as have the other days — all we have to do is remain balanced and centred in our own being so as not to get disturbed by the circumstances around us. Swamiji keeps telling us to make our world peaceful — by that he means the 20–40 feet area around us, that is our own individual aura — he tells us to make that so strong that no negative energy can enter this aura.

Meditation and chanting of the Guru mantra help in creating this aura. I have written about internalising the Guru-mantra in such a way that you do not have to chant it consciously, it keeps reverberating in each and every cell and atom of your being automatically. Once you feel that you know that you have reached a state of void and are now living in the moment. This state of being will help you tremendously face the coming adverse times with equanimity and poise.

People will begin to find peace and joy in your presence, they will come and say it to you — when that happens say it is Guru’s grace and nothing to do with you. Because to be honest, it is always His Grace and energy that is carrying us on the path to liberation. Always remember to express gratitude to the Guru-energies, as nothing that you and I are doing is to our credit, the credit goes entirely to our Master and his Masters. We are nothing but a speck of dirt in this vast cosmos in comparison to them.

Whatever happens do not lose balance, have faith, maintain your dignity and balance, the bad days will pass by as we celebrate our life in the midst of a positivity of millions of meditating souls who are connected to Swamiji. We need to connect with Swamiji through meditation and through the Guru-mantra and through Swamiji to those millions of positive souls whose energy encompasses this earth.

Once we are connected, learn to remain connected and be positive, nothing will affect you as you witness the events unfolding on earth. Do whatever you think is right for yourself, your family and friends and for your country and at the same time remain balanced and centred — do not get affected and spoil your energy. Always remember the higher you go, that much more you fall — so maintain your balance and remain stable.



Girish Borkar
Mindfulness Matters

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude