Photo Credit: St Ignatius Parish Toowong

Two Great Spiritual Qualities

Girish Borkar
Mindfulness Matters
2 min readSep 10, 2021


The primary spiritual quality which we all should have, is the feeling of complete and total surrender to a higher spiritual Master. We have discussed complete surrender in an earlier post. So apart from this we will look at two other essential qualities — forgetting other people’s mistakes and developing and bringing forth the goodness within.

We are always affected by others’ mistakes only when they affect us or have an impact on our life — obviously it won’t bother us if it doesn’t affect us, isn’t it! Such mistakes could happen between friends, relatives and colleagues and when they do happen, they have an emotional impact on us, resulting in anger, disgust, frustration and similar such negative emotions. Any emotional impact on us has a direct bearing on our spiritual growth and progress. Our heart chakra and brow chakra are immediately impacted resulting in adverse effect on our physical and mental health.

The best way to counter such negative emotions resulting from others’ mistakes is to forget them and to forgive the perpetrator of the mistake. Forgiveness has to be done at the soul-level and not at the intellectual level, because when we forgive just orally the hurt remains and every time we remember the mistake we relive the emotions. Every time we relive the emotions, we dig up the hurt and impact our wellbeing. Once we learn to forgive at the soul-level we are well on the way to spiritual progress. This is easily possible through meditation and mindfulness practise. As you learn to become a witness and watch life as it happens, it becomes easier to not get affected by others’ mistakes.

Once you learn to remain centred in your own being and stop being affected by others’ mistakes you begin to develop the other great spiritual quality — that is bringing forth the goodness within. There is goodness within each and everyone of us, for some it remains hidden under layers of pain and hurt, for others it sprouts pretty quickly. The more you start bringing forth your goodness from within, people will start getting attracted to you, they will feel happy and peaceful in your presence. All this happens because your own energy field is changing for the better, your aura is being developed and those who come within its ambit start feeling good.

So, to conclude I would like to say that forgiving other people for their mistakes and letting go, while at the same time bringing forth the goodness from within are two other great spiritual qualities we can nurture, develop and live till they become second nature for us.



Girish Borkar
Mindfulness Matters

Spirituality ... meditation ... insights ... inner peace ... the journey continues... love and gratitude