Visualization — Simple Secret of Achieving Anything

Pavan kumar
Mindfulness Matters
3 min readJun 8, 2024


The first step towards your goal is visualization of success

Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash


The strength of imagination forges the framework of reality. The clearer the imagination, the better the reality.

It is a "secret" that everyone knows. Still, so many of us are leading a life of misery, with little joy and tons of regret, pushing us further into a spiral of regression.

Don’t we all love to excel in life, enjoy the fruit of joy, and be at peace? Then, what is restraining us? Is it attributed to our neighbors, our relatives, a lack of resources, health, or providence? The list could go on and on.

Only Factor Responsible For Our Indifference -Faith:

Let us ask ourselves a simple question: if someone forbids you to be happy and affluent, should you follow his words? A simple answer to it is -"No."

Still, we resign ourselves to the fact that we cannot lead a far more fulfilling and affluent life. Why is there so much complexity in choosing the simplest way out? Life is meant to be simple. It is a gift that must be cherished with gratitude.

It is our compliance with the external factors that mold our way of thinking, and our inner voice loses grip of the being God so beautifully created.
And in the most simple words, what we lack is faith. Faith in our prosperity. Faith in our destiny. Faith in our inner voice. Faith in the process.

Faith is the foundation of all changes and evolutions. One must trust the process. It is our responsibility to refrain from distractions and give strength to our inner voice. 
One cannot think of affluence and happiness if one doesn’t believe in the simple secret that the first step towards building a life of your choice is holding a clear picture of happiness in mind. It is that simple. And we will see the world unfold around our firm conviction.

All the events will fall in line with our goals. All the obstacles will meet their definite ends. And one beautiful day, you will see the picture you held firmly in your mind get materialized.
Moreover, what good would not having a clear imagination in mind do?
It is like having an address to reach. Once you have the address, it’s all about trusting your GPS device. Keep on following it, and ultimately you will reach your destination. The address is your imagination held in mind. Your GPS device is your inner voice. There will be twists and turns. Have faith in your device. Have faith.


Visualization technique has turned a mediocre fate into a paragon of excellence. History is laden with men of the highest order who reaped the benefits of the secret. If followed religiously it could change the fortune of a pauper to that of a prince.

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Pavan kumar
Mindfulness Matters

Peace of mind is the most valuable treasure of all.I wandered all around in search of it.It is within me that I found it.